
International Journal of Clinical Case Reports 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 1-13 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijccr 3 4) Potential tooth displacement: The space created by missing teeth may lead to the displacement of remaining teeth, which could impact bite alignment and the normal function of the jaw. Figure 1 X-ray photo taken on August 30, 2014, showing the patient's oral and periodontal conditions 2 Treatment Plan 2.1 Formulation of treatment objectives In the comprehensive treatment plan for periodontal disease and dental implants, establishing clear treatment objectives is a crucial initial step. For the patient, the ultimate goal of treatment is to restore chewing function, enhance quality of life, and aesthetically rehabilitate the missing teeth as much as possible. In the initial phase of treatment planning, we formulated the following specific treatment objectives: firstly, to control and cure periodontal inflammation, halting the further progression of periodontal disease; secondly, to restore the function and appearance of missing teeth through dental implant surgery; thirdly, to ensure the long-term stability of the implants and the overall health of the oral cavity. 2.2 Periodontal treatment plan In the patient's treatment plan, periodontal treatment, as a fundamental treatment step, is crucial for the success of subsequent implant treatments. The periodontal treatment plan is divided into the following steps: Firstly, thorough removal of dental plaque and calculus is conducted to reduce the bacterial load in the oral cavity. Subsequently, deep cleaning procedures, including root planing and scaling, are performed to eliminate periodontal pockets and reduce the invasion of periodontal bacteria. Following this, necessary repair or reconstruction surgery is performed on the periodontal tissue, such as periodontal flap surgery and bone regeneration surgery, are carried out to restore the health of the periodontal tissues. Based on these interventions, patients are guided to establish good oral hygiene habits, undergo regular periodontal maintenance treatments to sustain the treatment effects (Pei et al., 2022). 2.3 Dental implant plan design After achieving stability in periodontal treatment, the patient progresses to the phase of dental implantation. The design of the implant plan must take into account individual differences in patients, such as oral anatomical structures, alveolar bone density, and the patient's occlusal forces. In this case, the design of the implant plan is primarily based on precise oral CT images, assessing the height, width, and density of the alveolar bone to determine the optimal position and angle for the implants. Considering