
International Journal of Clinical Case Reports 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 48-54 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijccr 53 Figure 2 Factors associated with a dementia diagnosis among people experiencing homelessness 2 Analysis of Research Findings The study results indicate that the prevalence of dementia is significantly higher in the homeless population compared to the housed population, suggesting that homelessness could lead to or exacerbate the incidence of dementia. Moreover, the prevalence ratio is higher in the middle-aged group, indicating an earlier onset of dementia in this demographic. After comprehensive consideration and adjustment for age, gender, geographic location, and health factors associated with dementia, the study further confirmed a significant association between homelessness and dementia. Specifically, the prevalence of dementia in the homeless population is 77.1% higher than that in the low-income group and 79.0% higher compared to the general population. These findings reveal the health risks faced by the homeless population and emphasize the importance of targeted attention and intervention for them. 3 Evaluation of the Research This study, through its rigorous methodology, extensive data sets, and comprehensive analysis, provides insights into the relationship between homelessness and dementia, demonstrating the necessity of developing specialized care strategies for this vulnerable group. The research not only fills a significant gap in the literature but also offers new understanding by providing population-level evidence of increased dementia prevalence among the homeless. However, the study's limitation in identifying homeless individuals through medical records may result in the exclusion of those who have not interacted with the health system, potentially underestimating the actual prevalence rates. 4 Conclusions This study is pioneering and underscores the impact of dementia within the homeless population on public health. Given its significance, we urge immediate action from all sectors of society to enhance dementia screening efforts, provide appropriate housing support for the homeless, and develop and implement comprehensive care plans to address this critical issue. In the field of dementia care, addressing the unique challenges faced by the homeless is