
International Journal of Clinical Case Reports 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 48-54 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijccr 52 Table 3 Characteristics of people experiencing homelessness with and without a diagnosis of dementia People experiencing homelessness with a diagnosis of dementia(n=884) Peopleexperiencing homelessness without a diagnosis of dementia(n=11979) Pvalve Median(IQR) 72(64-81) 56(50-64) <0·0001 45-54 58(6-6%) 5045(42·1%) <0-0001 55-64 183(20-7%) 4133(34·5%) 65-74 273(30-9%) 1808(15·1%) 75-84 248(28-1%) 730(6-1%) 285 122(13-8%) 263(2-2%) Sex Female 366(41·4%) 4627(38-6%) 0·10 Male 518(58-6%) 7352(61·4%) 0·10 Rural resident 77(8-7%) 820(6-8%) 0-024 Previous health service use, mean(SD) Number of emergency department visits (in the previous year) 4·68(12-55) 2-94(7-46) <0·0001 Comorbidities(previous diagnosis or treatment recorded)* Head trauma 247(27-9%) 2636(22-0%) <0-0001 Stroke or transient ischaemic attack 117(13·2%) 517(4-3%) <0-0001 Diabetes 365(41·3%) 3155(26-3%) <0·0001 Hypertension 644(72-9%) 5160(43·1%) <0·0001 Coronary artery disease 222(25·1%) 1383(11-5%) <0·0001 Congestive heart failure 157(17-8%) 845(7-1%) <0·0001 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 381(43·1%) 3886(32·4%) <0·0001 Parkinsonism 66(7-5%) 170(1-4%) <0·0001 Epilepsy 131(14-8%) 1235(10-3%) <0·0001 Multiple sclerosis 28(3·2%) 169(1·4%) <0.0001 HIV 21(2-4%) 224(1·9%) 0·29 Schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders 108(12-2%) 1716(14-3%) 0·083 Mood or anxiety disorders 347(39-3%) 4785(39·9%) 0·69 Substance-related and addictive disorders 167(18·9%) 3608(30-1%) <0·0001 Deliberate self-harm 48(5·4%) 950(7-9%) 0·0073 Other mental health conditionst 226(25-6%) 2387(19-9%) <0·0001 Note: Data are n (%)unless specifedotherwise.*ICES-deriveddisease surveillance cohorts (from 1991 to 2018)wereused tocapture diagnosisortreatment for diabetes, hypertension, congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonarydisease, and HIN; for allother conditions, a 5-year lookback (2014-18) was applied.