
International Journal of Clinical Case Reports 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 48-54 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijccr 50 Continued Table 1 People experiencing Low-income group Stdiff* General population Stdiff People experiencing Low-income group Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 4267(33·2%) 117453(24:7%) 0-19 443265(19-5%) 0-31 Parkinsonism 236(1-8%) 8345(1-8%) 0-01 35191(1·5%) 0-02 Epilepsy 1366(10-6%) 21045(4·4%) 0-24 77224(3-4%) 0-29 Multiple sclerosis 197(1-5%) 5149(1·1%) 0-04 23489(1-0%) 0-04 HIV 245(1-9%) 2010(0-4%) 0-14 5208(0-2%) 0.16 Schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders 1824(14:2%) 9475(2-0% 0-46 24025(1·1%) 0-51 Mood oranxiety disorders 5132(39·9%) 114136(24-0%) 0-35 500348(22-0%) 0-39 Substance-related and addictive disorders 3775(29·3%) 18082(3-8%) 0-73 54345(2-4%) 0-79 Deliberate self-harm 998(7-8%) 4075(0-9%) 0-34 11607(0-5%) 0-37 Other mental health conditionst 2613(20-3%) 40221(8-5%) 0-34 170478(7-5%) 0-38 Note: Data are n (%)unless specified otherwise.stdiff=standardised difference. NA=not applicable.*Compared with individuals experiencing homelessness.+ICES-derived disease Surveillance cohorts (from 1991 to 2018)were used to capture diagnosis or treatment for diabetes, hypertension, congestive heart failure,chronic obstructive pulmonary Disease, and HIV; for all other conditions,a 5-year lookback (2014-18)was applied. Table 2 Age-adjusted dementia prevalence ratios comparing people experiencing homelessness to the low-income and general population comparator groups within age and sex strata People experiencing homelessness vs low-income group Peopleexperiencing homelessness vs general populationgroup Female 45-54years 1-82(1-06-3·12) 2-84(167-481) 55-64years 3·45(2-65-4-48) 4:78(3-70-6-17) 65-74 years 2-98(2-46-3-62) 3·96(3-28-479) 75-84years 156(1:30-1-88) 1.72 (1-42-2-06) ≥85years 0-97 (0-77-1-23) 100(0-79-1-26) Male 45-54 years 3-10(2-24-4-27) 485(3-58-6-58) 55-64 years 3:39(2-80-4-09) 5-00(4-17-5-99) 65-74 years 3-25(2.78-3-81) 442(3·79-5·15) 75-84years 2.28(1-92-2-70) 2-68(2-27-3-18) ≥85years 1-19 (0-90-1-57) 1-29(0-98-1-.71) Note: The table shows prevalence ratios (95%Cls). Prevalence ratios were calculated using modified Poisson regression while adjusting for age for each of the ten age and sex strata. Figure 1 displays the age-standardized dementia prevalence rates for men and women across various age groups within the general population, the low-income group, and the homeless population. For both genders, the homeless group shows a significant increase in dementia prevalence within the middle-age brackets, facing a