
International Journal of Clinical Case Reports 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 48-54 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijccr 49 Table 1 Baseline characteristics People experiencing Low-income group Stdiff* General population Stdiff People experiencing Low-income group Homelessness (n=475544) Group (n=2273068) (n=12863) Dementia prevalence in 2019,n (per 1000 population) 884(68-7) 29777 (62-6) 0-02 115952(51-0) 0-07 Age in years on Jan 1,2019 Median (IQR) 57(51-65) 64(55-74) 0-50 63 (55-73) 0-47 45-54 5103(39·7%) 114097(24-0%) 0-34 554048(24·4%) 0-33 55-64 4316(33-6%) 133345(28-0%) 0·12 648850(28-5%) 0-11 65-74 2081(16-2%) 111529(23-5%) 0.18 550709 (24·2%) 0·20 75-84 978(7-6%) 76125(16-0%) 0-26 351232 (15·5%) 0-25 285 385(3-0%) 40448(8-5%) 0-24 168229(7-4%) 0-20 Sex Female 4993(38-8%) 262883(55·3%) 0-33 1215898(535%) 0-30 Male 7870(61·2%) 212661(44·7%) 0-33 1057170(46-5%) 0-30 Rural resident 897(7-0%) 75846(15-9%) 0-28 346906(15-3%) 0-27 Neighbourhood income quintile Missing NA 0 6176 (0-3%) Quintile 1(lowest) NA 475544(100-0%) 475544(20-9%) Quintile 2 NA 0 464204(20-4%) Quintile3 NA 0 453573 (20-0%) Quintile4 NA 0 434666(19·1%) Quintile5 (highest) NA 0 438905(19-3%) Previous health service use,mean (SD) Number of emergency department visits (in the previous year) 3-06 (7-93) 0-93 (2-07) 0-37 0-73 (1-70) 0-41 Number of hospital admissions (in the previous 5 years) 192(3-80) 0-83 (1-80) 0-37 0-68(1-51) 0-43 Numberof primary care physician visits (in the previous year) 13·17(19-08) 8-25 (10-64) 0-32 7.29(9·17) 0-39 Comorbidities (previous diagnosis or treatment recorded) Head trauma 2883(22·4%) 42664(9-0%) 0-38 167607(7-4%) 0-43 Stroke or transient ischaemic attack 634(4:9%) 24680(5·2%) 0-01 99040(4-4%) 0-03 Diabetes 3520(27-4%) 143240(30-1%) 0-06 570771(25·1%) 0-05 Hypertension 5804(45·1%) 273076(57-4%) 0-25 1227954(54-0%) 0-18 Coronary artery disease 1605(12·5%) 62687(13·2%) 0-02 260792(11-5%) 0-03 Congestive heart failure 1002(7-8%) 41705(8-8%) 0-04 164682(7-2%) 0-02