
International Journal of Clinical Case Reports 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 40-47 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijccr 47 Genome-driven personalized drug therapy will continue to advance and find widespread application in the future. Further development of methods for analyzing and interpreting genomic data will enhance prediction accuracy and reliability. Strengthening research on the interaction between genes and the environment will provide insights into how environmental factors influence genome-driven treatments, enabling the formulation of more comprehensive personalized treatment strategies. The establishment of larger and more diverse genomic databases will strengthen the training and validation of prediction models. Additionally, there is a need to bolster clinical research on the application of genome-driven treatments, evaluating their effectiveness and cost-effectiveness across different diseases. With ongoing technological advancements and deeper research, more targeted treatment methods are expected to be discovered, accelerating drug development and clinical applications. Simultaneously, with the establishment and sharing of large-scale genomic databases, collective intelligence can be better utilized, expediting disease diagnosis and treatment. Genome-driven personalized drug therapy brings significant hope and potential to disease treatment. Through precise drug administration and the prediction of drug side effects, it can better meet individual patient needs, improve treatment efficacy, reduce unnecessary drug side effects, and contribute to the progress of the medical field and the well-being of patients. Acknowledgments Thanks to Mr. Chen Mengshen for his valuable suggestions after reviewing the manuscript, which greatly contributed to the continuous improvement of this research. References Admas T., and Banjaw A., 2021, Healthcare professionals' knowledge, attitudes and future expectations towards personalized medicine, Pers. Med., 18(5): 483-490. https://doi.org/10.2217/pme-2020-0185 Alexandr A.K., Gerald A.H., Narathip R., Sayedmohammadreza S., Ari A.F., Ivo D.D., Kayvan N., and Brian D.A., 2018, Deep learning in pharmacogenomics: from gene regulation to patient stratification, Pharmacogenomics, 19(7): 629-650. https://doi.org/10.2217/pgs-2018-0008 Crovari P., Pidò S., Pinoli P., Bernasconi A., Canakoglu A., Garzotto F., and Ceri S., 2022, GeCoAgent: a conversational agent for empowering genomic data extraction and analysis, Acm T Comput Healthc., 3(1): 1-30. https://doi.org/10.1145/3464383 Deng T., Liu Q.N., Zou X., and Zhang Y., 2021, Novel technologies of disease diagnosis and treatment based on terminal glycans, Shanghai Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao (Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University), 55(z1): 44-45. Mao C.X., and Liu Z.Q., 2019, Application of pharmacogenomics in individualized administration of cytotoxic antitumor drugs, Yixue Yanjiusheng Xuebao (Journal of Medical Postgraduates), 32(5): 462-467. Russo C.D., Gagliardi D., Ramlogan R., and Navarra P., 2019, Optimizing patient selection to maximize drug efficacy: the expanding role of pharmacogenomics in the clinical development of pembrolizumab for the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer, Clin. Ther., 41(5): 982-991. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clinthera.2019.04.002 Schloss J.A., Gibbs R.A., Makhijani V.B., and Marziali A., 2020, Cultivating DNA sequencing technology after the human genome project, Annu. Rev. Genom. Hum. G., 21: 117-138. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-genom-111919-082433 Xu H., Hui X., Zhu H.J., Li D.Y., and Ge W.H., 2019, Application of pharmacogenomics in clinical medication, Yaoxue yu Linchuang Yanjiu (Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research), 27(1): 46-51. Yan W.Q., and Wang C.Y., 2022, The role of pharmacogenomics in the personalization of Parkinson′s disease treatment, Zhonghua Shenjingke Zazhi (Chinese Journal of Neurology), 55(7): 755-764. Zhou J.M., Zhang B.B., Wang Y.G., Hu X.M., Ge K.K., Li P., and Li Z.M., 2022, Application of CRISPR/Cas9 genome-wide screening technology in disease treatment and the prospect of its application in ophthalmology, Henan Yixue Yanjiu (Henan Medical Research), 31(16): 3068-3072.