
International Journal of Clinical Case Reports 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 1-13 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijccr 2 Clearly, the patient's case is not just a record of a singular treatment process but rather a case study that involves interdisciplinary collaboration and the implementation of comprehensive treatment strategies. Through a thorough analysis of this case, we hope to provide richer treatment experiences and research data for clinical practice, and make subtle contributions to the development of oral medical work in the future. 1 Case Report 1.1 Patient basic information The patient is a male, born in 1963, and was initially seen at the age of 51. The patient reported experiencing cavities since high school, and as he aged, dental issues gradually accumulated. By 2014, he had already lost several teeth (7 teeth), affecting his daily chewing function and quality of life. 1.2 Initial oral condition description On August 30, 2014, during the patient's first visit to our hospital, the oral examination revealed the absence of multiple teeth, particularly in the posterior mandibular region, with noticeable tooth loss. A panoramic radiograph (OPG) examination showed, in addition to missing teeth, issues such as alveolar bone resorption, irregular tooth alignment, and periodontal inflammation. 1.3 Patient's periodontal history Based on the patient's provided medical history and oral examination, the patient has had cavities since high school. Due to a lack of effective oral hygiene habits and regular oral care, periodontal disease gradually developed. Years of untreated periodontal disease led to the looseness and loss of multiple teeth, accompanied by a decline in alveolar bone density, further exacerbating the deterioration of oral conditions (Emampanahi et al., 2019). 1.4 Pre-treatment diagnosis and assessment Following a comprehensive oral examination, including periodontal probing, tooth vitality testing, and panoramic radiograph analysis, we conducted a thorough diagnosis and assessment of the patient's oral condition. The results revealed not only general alveolar bone resorption and issues with tooth alignment but also signs of periapical cysts in several tooth roots, with periodontal pocket depths generally exceeding normal values. Through a comprehensive analysis, the patient's oral condition was determined to be a severe periodontal disease, necessitating a long-term and comprehensive treatment plan to gradually restore oral function (Souza et al., 2022). Before formulating the treatment plan, we engaged in in-depth discussions regarding treatment goals, potential treatment options, and their associated risks and complications. Considering the patient's age, the extent of the condition, and the strong desire for oral function restoration, we recommended the implementation of a long-term comprehensive treatment plan. This plan includes systemic treatment for periodontal disease, necessary tooth extractions, and subsequent dental implant reconstruction. Upon the patient's consent, we initiated a detailed treatment process aimed at gradually controlling the progression of periodontal disease, stabilizing the alveolar bone condition, and ultimately restoring the function and aesthetics of the missing teeth through implant surgery. Next, we will provide a detailed description of each step of the treatment, along with the outcomes achieved and feedback from the patient. In the X-ray image (Figure 1), several typical oral health issues can be observed: 1) Mandibular tooth loss: Left side (from the patient's perspective): 36, 37 missing teeth; Right side: 46, 47 missing teeth. 2) Maxillary tooth loss: Left side (from the patient's perspective): Elongation due to missing opposing teeth; Right side: 14 and 17 missing teeth. 3) Alveolar bone condition: In the areas where teeth are missing, the horizontal level of the alveolar bone appears to have decreased, a common consequence of long-term tooth loss. Alveolar bone recession may affect future restorations, such as dental implants.