
International Journal of Clinical Case Reports 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 40-47 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijccr 40 Research Article Open Access Genome Driven Personalized Drug Therapy LubinYang Zhuji Yukang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, Zhuji, 311800, China Corresponding email: 1768126628@qq.com International Journal of Clinical Case Reports 2024, Vol.14, No.1 doi: 10.5376/ijccr.2024.14.0005 Received: 13 Feb., 2024 Accepted: 21 Mar., 2024 Published: 02 Apr., 2024 Copyright © 2024 Yang, This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Preferred citation for this article: Yang L.B., 2024, Genome driven personalized drug therapy, International Journal of Clinical Case Reports, 14(1): 40-47 (doi: 10.5376/ijccr.2024.14.0005) Abstract Genome driven personalized drug therapy is an important medical field, which can achieve precise medication and prediction of drug side effects by analyzing patient genomic information. This method utilizes the association between gene mutations and drug reactions to predict patients' responsiveness to specific drugs and the risk of side effects. Genome driven personalized drug therapy can also predict drug targets and mechanisms of action, providing guidance for personalized treatment plans. However, this field still faces challenges, including difficulties in analyzing and interpreting genomic data, the complexity of individual genomic variations, and the interactions between genes and the environment. This study explores genome-driven personalized drug therapy from the perspectives of genome analysis and screening, personalized drug therapy strategies, and application fields, in order to continuously develop and bring more hope and potential for disease treatment. Keywords Genetic variation; Personalized healthcare; Drug reactions; Treatment strategies; Application area The development in the field of medicine has been rapidly evolving, and in order to better understand and treat diseases, scientists are continuously seeking new methods. In the past few decades, genome-driven personalized drug therapy has emerged as a significant revolution in the medical field. This groundbreaking approach utilizes individual genomic information to guide the design of drugs and treatment plans, aiming to better meet the needs of patients, enhance treatment efficacy, and reduce unnecessary side effects. Every individual's genome and biological characteristics are unique, leading to variations in disease risks, drug responses, and treatment efficacy. The goal of personalized medicine is to analyze the genetic and biological features of each individual and provide tailored medical solutions to maximize treatment effectiveness (Deng et al., 2021). Genome-driven personalized drug therapy is a treatment strategy that relies on individual genomic information to guide drug selection and usage. The principle involves analyzing individual genomic variations and biomarkers to determine an individual's response to drugs and drug metabolism capacity, thereby offering personalized drug treatment plans for patients. This approach is a personalized medical method that acknowledges the uniqueness of each patient, recognizing that their diseases and drug responses may differ. Traditional treatment methods are often 'one-size-fits-all,' applicable to a broad patient population, while overlooking individual differences. However, genome-driven treatment methods can more accurately identify specific gene variations in patients, enabling the selection of the most effective drugs and treatment plans (Admas and Banjaw, 2021). With an increasingly profound understanding of the genome, the field of medicine is entering a new era. The genome serves as the blueprint of life, determining an individual's genetic characteristics, including susceptibility to diseases, drug metabolism capabilities, and treatment responses. Traditional treatment methods are often based on average population data and clinical trial results, while personalized medicine can create individualized treatment plans for each patient based on their genetic variations and biomarker information. This customized approach allows for more accurate targeting of the root causes of diseases, improving treatment effectiveness, and reducing adverse reactions in patients. Therefore, incorporating genomic information into clinical practice has become an innovative approach, providing doctors with more treatment options and helping patients receive better medical care. This study will delve into genome-driven personalized drug therapy from aspects such as genomic analysis and screening, personalized drug treatment strategies, and application areas, aiming to improve disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment outcomes, thereby driving progress in medicine.