
International Journal of Clinical Case Reports 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 1-13 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijccr 1 Clinical Case Report Open Access Comprehensive Treatment Plan for Long-Term Periodontal Therapy and Dental Reconstruction: A Decade-Long Case Report Xiaoling He , Haifeng Chen Chenghe Dental Hospital, Haikou, 570208, China Corresponding author: 36301926@qq.com International Journal of Clinical Case Reports 2024, Vol.14, No.1 doi: 10.5376/ijccr.2024.14.0001 Received: 16 Nov., 2023 Accepted: 21 Dec., 2023 Published: 01 Jan., 2024 Copyright © 2024 He and Chen, This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Preferred citation for this article: He X.L., and Chen H.F., 2024, Comprehensive treatment plan for long-term periodontal therapy and dental reconstruction: A decade-long case report, International Journal of Clinical Case Reports, 14(1): 1-13 (doi: 10.5376/ijccr.2024.14.0001) Abstract This study meticulously documents a patient's decade-long periodontal treatment and dental reconstruction journey. The patient had been suffering from periodontal disease since middle school, which led to the loss of multiple teeth and significantly impacted his quality of life. After deciding to undergo comprehensive treatment, this study formulated a comprehensive treatment plan that included periodontal disease treatment, implantation of prosthetics in the tooth loss areas, and dental crown repair. During the treatment process, this study focused on the recovery of periodontal health, the selection and fitting of implants, and the full restoration of oral function. Continuous evaluation of the patient's oral condition revealed significant improvements, including stabilization of the alveolar bone, enhancement of occlusal force, and aesthetic improvement. This case analysis highlights the importance of personalized treatment plans and the necessity of long-term follow-up for successful treatment. Despite the significant therapeutic effects achieved, this study is limited to the observation of a single case; therefore, future research should expand the sample size, compare different treatment plans, and conduct long-term follow-up studies. Keywords Periodontal treatment; Tooth loss; Dentalimplants; Comprehensive treatment plan; Personalized treatment plan In the field of dentistry, the treatment of periodontal disease and tooth loss has always been a difficult and key point in clinical work. Periodontal disease, as one of the most prevalent chronic diseases globally, has a significant impact on patients' chewing function, aesthetics, and quality of life due to the tooth loss it causes. With the advancement of medical technology, dental implant treatment has become an effective means of reconstructing missing teeth. Especially in complex cases of multiple tooth loss, dental implants not only restore the patient's function but also significantly enhance their psychological health and social interaction abilities (Chen, 2023). The patient's case has provided us with an excellent opportunity to observe and study comprehensive treatment for periodontal disease. Since the initial visit in 2013, the patient has undergone a 10-year-long process of periodontal treatment and dental reconstruction. During this period, the medical team not only focused on the treatment of individual teeth but also placed significant emphasis on restoring overall oral function and improving the quality of life. The choice of studying the patient's case is driven by several factors. On the one hand, his case encompasses the entire treatment process from initial periodontal therapy to the reconstruction of multiple teeth. On the other hand, his case illustrates the significance of a multidisciplinary collaborative treatment approach in addressing complex oral diseases. In clinical practice, periodontal treatment and dental implantation are typically viewed as relatively independent specialized fields. However, the patient's case tightly integrates these two areas, presenting a treatment path that spans from periodontal rehabilitation to functional reconstruction (Carvalho et al., 2021). This study aims to explore the feasibility, effectiveness, and patient satisfaction associated with multiple-tooth implant reconstruction on the foundation of long-term periodontal treatment by reviewing and analyzing the patient's treatment history. We intend to provide a more systematic and comprehensive treatment reference for similar cases through this study, and also hope to provide new clinical insights and evidence support for the oral functional reconstruction following periodontal disease treatment.