
International Journal of Clinical Case Reports 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 23-30 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijccr 30 However, integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine faces some challenges. There are differences between the theories and treatment methods of traditional Chinese and Western medicine, requiring in-depth research and discussion for better integration. Integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine needs an adequate number of specialized doctors and clinical practice experience to provide effective treatment plans. Additionally, the promotion and popularization of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine also require support through education and advocacy to help more people understand and accept this treatment approach. In the future, integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine will see broader applications and promotion. With the progress of technology and continuous deepening of medical research, the treatment methods of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine will be continuously optimized and improved. An increasing number of doctors will receive relevant training and incorporate integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine into their clinical practice. Furthermore, there is a growing demand from the public for health and holistic treatments, and integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine can meet this demand. Through further research and promotion, we can better leverage the strengths of traditional Chinese and Western medicine to provide more comprehensive and personalized medical services for patients. This will contribute to improving the effectiveness of disease treatment and the quality of life for patients. References Cao Y., Zhao D.Y., Pang B., Li F.S., Li M., and Liu G., 2022, Practice and thinking of western physician learning traditional Chinese medicine personnel training program promoting the development of traditional Chinese medicine, Zhongguo Zhongyiyao Xiandai Yuancheng Jiaoyu (Chinese Medicine Modern Distance Education of China), 20(16): 178-180. Fu R., Li J., Yu H.T, Zhang Y., Xu Z.H., and Martin C., 2021, The Yin and Yang of traditional Chinese and western medicine, Med. Res. Rev., 41(6): 3182-3200. https://doi.org/10.1002/med.21793 Gu J.J., Li C.R., Li D.Q., and Gao H.L., 2022, A case report of effective treatment of diabetic foot with the integration of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine, Heliyon, 8(11): e11346. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e11346 Liu Y.H., and Yan B.C., 2023, Progress in the treatment of motor neurone disease with traditional Chinese and western medicine, MEDS Clinical Medicine, 4(4): 8-12. https://doi.org/10.23977/medsc.2023.040402 Sheng X.D., Chen C., Ji Z.C., Hu H.Y., Zhang M.Y., Wang H., Pang B., Zhai J.B., Zhang D., Zhang J.H., and Guo L.P., 2022, Development of a core outcome set on traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine for rheumatic heart disease: a study protocol, BMJ Open, 12(11): e062497. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2022-062497 Wang N.T., and Zhang Y., 2022, Difficulties in the treatment of diabetic foot and research progress of combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine, Comput. Math. Method. M., 6(5): 12-16. https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/9449427 Xu Z., Chai R.D., Zhao S.W., Bian Y.H., Man S.S., and Zhou H.F, 2022, Discussion on diagnosis and treatment mode of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine, Tianjin Zhongyiyao Daxue Xuebao (Journal of Tianjin University of Traditonal Chinese Medicine), 41(5): 563-566. Yu Xuan, Wu S.Y., Zhang J.J., Hu Y. Luo M., Zhao H.M., Song X.P., Chen Y.L., and Wang X.H., 2023, Developing TCM clinical practice guidelines: A comparison between traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine, Integr. Med. Res., 12(2): 100952. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.imr.2023.100952 Zhang Y.H., Huang C., and Geng L., 2021, Combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine in sports in pharmaceutical health, Appl. Bionics. Biomech., 8(2): 5-8. Zhang Y.P., Cao H.J., Yan Y.H., and Xue P., 2023, Discussion on current situation and reform path of training mode of clinical talents of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine, Yixue yu Zhexue (Medicine and Philosophy), 44(12): 10-13.