
International Journal of Clinical Case Reports 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 23-30 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijccr 29 Integrating conventional Western medical treatments such as surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy with traditional Chinese medicine approaches like herbal medicine, acupuncture, and massage aims to alleviate side effects, boost immunity, and enhance patient tolerance. Chinese medicine possesses unique advantages in alleviating discomfort caused by radiotherapy and chemotherapy, as well as promoting overall recovery. For instance, using herbal medicine for spleen and stomach regulation, nutritional supplementation, and improvement of physical strength. Chinese medicine emphasizes holistic immune regulation, which can enhance the activity of the immune system through methods like herbal medicine and acupuncture, helping to prevent cancer cell recurrence and spread. Integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine can also play a role in early screening and prevention of tumors by improving individual resistance through traditional Chinese medicine's constitutional identification and regulation, reducing the risk of illness. Chinese medicine methods can be used to alleviate symptoms in cancer patients, such as pain, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, improving the quality of life. Comprehensive treatment requires long-term follow-up, timely adjustment of treatment plans based on the patient's condition and response to ensure the sustainability and effectiveness of the treatment. In the comprehensive treatment of tumor diseases, integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine emphasizes personalized treatment, the comprehensive use of various therapeutic methods, improvement of immune function, and enhancement of quality of life. These principles and methods are aimed at better addressing the needs of cancer patients, improving treatment effectiveness, and enhancing overall quality of life. 3.3 Prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases refer to a class of illnesses, including heart diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, and peripheral vascular diseases. The integrated treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in traditional Chinese and Western medicine can leverage the advantages of both, enhancing treatment effectiveness and improving the quality of life. According to the specific condition, constitution, and etiology of the patient, methods such as acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, and massage are employed to adjust the balance of Yin and Yang in the body, promote the circulation of Qi and blood, and improve symptoms. For instance, in the case of hypertensive patients, traditional Chinese medicine can lower blood pressure by regulating liver Yang and soothing liver Qi. Western medicine often uses medications to control symptoms and progression of cardiovascular diseases. For various cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, and stroke, Western medicine may employ antihypertensive drugs, antithrombotic drugs, anti-anginal drugs, etc. Medication should be taken under the guidance of a doctor, and patients need to adhere to the prescribed schedule and undergo regular check-ups (Sheng et al., 2022; Liu and Yan, 2023). The treatment of cardiovascular diseases also requires patients to make lifestyle adjustments. Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes health preservation, including a balanced diet, moderate exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and regular sleep patterns. Western medicine also emphasizes a healthy lifestyle, such as quitting smoking, limiting alcohol intake, reducing stress, and ensuring good sleep quality, to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. 4 Summary and Outlook The treatment methods of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine have significant importance in modern medicine. The prospects for integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine are vast. By fully utilizing the strengths of both approaches, more comprehensive and personalized treatment plans can be provided. Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes a holistic view and differential treatment, focusing on enhancing the body's self-regulation ability, which can play a crucial role in the management of chronic diseases and health maintenance. Western medicine emphasizes science and evidence, providing advanced drug and technological treatments. Integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine can play a vital role in disease prevention, rehabilitation, and comprehensive medical care.