
International Journal of Clinical Case Reports 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 23-30 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijccr 28 assessments of patient conditions, develop reasonable treatment plans, and regularly conduct follow-ups and evaluations (Zhang et al., 2021). 3 Applications of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine 3.1 Treatment and management of chronic diseases Chronic diseases refer to illnesses with a prolonged and gradual progression, such as hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease. The integrated treatment of chronic diseases with traditional Chinese and Western medicine can leverage the advantages of both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, enhancing treatment effectiveness and improving the quality of life. Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes syndrome differentiation and treatment. Based on the patient's specific condition, constitution, and etiology, traditional Chinese medicine utilizes methods such as acupuncture, herbal medicine, and massage to adjust the balance of Yin and Yang, promote the circulation of Qi and blood, and improve symptoms. For example, in the case of hypertension, traditional Chinese medicine may use methods to regulate liver Yang and promote liver Qi circulation to lower blood pressure. Western medicine often uses medications to control symptoms and progression of chronic diseases. For instance, in the treatment of diabetes, Western medicine may use oral antidiabetic drugs or insulin to control blood glucose levels (Wang and Zhang, 2022) (Figure 4). Medication therapy must be conducted under the guidance of a doctor, and patients need to take their medications on time and undergo regular check-ups. The treatment of chronic diseases also requires lifestyle adjustments by the patients. Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes health preservation, including a balanced diet, moderate exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and regular sleep patterns. Western medicine also emphasizes a healthy lifestyle, such as quitting smoking, limiting alcohol consumption, managing stress, and ensuring good sleep quality. Traditional Chinese medicine can integrate dietary therapy to adjust the patient's nutritional intake to meet the body's needs. Western medicine can also provide nutritional support, such as offering special dietary formulations or nutritional supplements to supplement the necessary nutrients for the body. Figure 4 Insulin injection The treatment of chronic diseases with a combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine requires a professional doctor to formulate personalized treatment plans based on the specific conditions of the patient. Patients should actively cooperate with the doctor's treatment plan and undergo regular check-ups and follow-ups as scheduled. At the same time, patients should maintain a positive attitude. 3.2 Comprehensive treatment of tumor diseases Tumor diseases constitute a category of abnormal tissue collections formed by the growth and spread of abnormal cells. The integrated treatment of tumors with traditional Chinese and Western medicine takes into account individual differences among patients, including pathological types, staging, age, constitution, and other factors, to formulate personalized treatment plans aimed at maximizing treatment effectiveness.