
International Journal of Clinical Case Reports 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 23-30 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijccr 27 medications for treatment based on the etiology and mechanisms of the disease. Western medications can intervene in physiological and biochemical processes, inhibiting the progression of the disease and alleviating symptoms. Acupuncture is one of the distinctive therapies in Chinese medicine, regulating the circulation of qi and blood and the functional status of the body by stimulating specific acupuncture points. In integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine, doctors may integrate acupuncture therapy to enhance treatment effectiveness. Physical therapy, including physiotherapy, massage, cupping, etc. (Figure 3), stimulates human tissues through physical means, promoting blood circulation, relieving pain, and enhancing immune function, among other benefits (Yu et al., 2023). Figure 3 Cupping 2.3 Combined use of Chinese and Western medicine in medication The combined use of Chinese and Western medicine in medication refers to the rational selection and application of Chinese herbal medicine and Western pharmaceuticals in integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment, to enhance treatment effectiveness and reduce the risk of adverse reactions, including personalized treatment, syndrome differentiation and treatment, synergistic effects, appropriate dosage reduction, monitoring and adjustment, and professional guidance. The goal is to comprehensively leverage the advantages of both Chinese herbal medicine and Western pharmaceuticals, improve treatment outcomes, minimize the risk of adverse reactions, and facilitate the maximum recovery and health of patients. Based on factors such as the patient's condition, constitution, pathological characteristics, and drug metabolism, individualized treatment plans are formulated. Treatment in integrated Chinese and Western medicine should be patient-centered, emphasizing individual differences and adjusting drug selection and dosage based on the patient's specific circumstances. The theory of syndrome differentiation and treatment in traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes tailoring treatment according to individual conditions and constitutional characteristics. In the combined treatment of Chinese and Western medicine, the theory of syndrome differentiation and treatment in traditional Chinese medicine should be applied to determine the diagnostic type and treatment principles, selecting corresponding Chinese and Western medicines. The combined treatment of Chinese and Western medicine can enhance treatment effectiveness through the synergistic effects of Chinese herbal medicine and Western pharmaceuticals. The selection and combination of Chinese and Western medicines should be based on their pharmacological characteristics and mechanisms of action, ensuring complementary and synergistic effects. In combined treatment, the dosage of drugs should be appropriately reduced based on the pharmacological effects and the risk of adverse reactions, reducing the incidence of adverse reactions while ensuring treatment effectiveness. In the treatment of integrated Chinese and Western medicine, it is necessary to closely monitor the efficacy and adverse reactions of patients. Based on monitoring results, timely adjustments to drug dosage and combinations should be made to ensure the safety and maximize the effectiveness of treatment. Combined treatment should be guided and supervised by qualified professionals. Doctors should possess relevant knowledge and clinical experience in integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine, conduct comprehensive