
International Journal of Clinical Case Reports 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 23-30 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijccr 26 2 The Basic Methods of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine 2.1 Comprehensive diagnostic approach in integrative Chinese and Western medicine The comprehensive diagnostic approach in integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine combines diagnostic methods from traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine to obtain more comprehensive and accurate diagnostic results. This approach maximizes the strengths of both Chinese and Western medicine, promoting accurate disease diagnosis and personalized treatment. This comprehensive diagnostic approach is a core aspect of the practice of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine, enhancing the accuracy and effectiveness of disease diagnosis and treatment. Doctors will inquire in detail about the patient's medical history, including the onset of the disease, the progression of symptoms, relevant lifestyle habits, and family history, among other factors. This helps doctors understand the background of the illness and potential triggers. A comprehensive physical examination is conducted, including observing the skin, checking the pulse, and examining the tongue coating and tongue quality. Traditional Chinese medicine's diagnostic methods, such as tongue diagnosis and pulse examination, can provide additional diagnostic information. Doctors may conduct various laboratory tests such as blood tests, urine tests, and imaging examinations based on the patient's condition (Figure 2). These test results can provide biochemical and structural information about the disease, assisting in the diagnostic process. Doctors, using traditional Chinese medicine's syndrome differentiation and treatment methods, observe the patient's symptoms, pulse, tongue coating, etc., diagnose the disease from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, and formulate corresponding treatment plans. Doctors, leveraging Western medicine's pathological knowledge, analyze the mechanisms of lesions and the development process of the disease. By analyzing the results of laboratory and imaging examinations, doctors can gain a deeper understanding of the pathological changes of the disease. Modern imaging techniques, such as X-rays and CT scans, are utilized to observe the structure and tissue changes of the disease. These technologies can provide information about the location and assessment of the disease (Zhang et al., 2023). Figure 2 Imaging examination 2.2 Comprehensive treatment approach in integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine The comprehensive treatment approach in integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine combines treatment methods from traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine to achieve a more comprehensive, personalized, and effective therapeutic outcome. This approach fully leverages the strengths of both Chinese and Western medicine, integrating traditional Chinese medicine's syndrome differentiation and treatment with Western medicine's pathological analysis and pharmaceutical treatments. It aims to provide more comprehensive and targeted treatment plans. Traditional Chinese medicine is one of the core therapeutic methods in traditional Chinese medicine. According to the theory of syndrome differentiation and treatment in traditional Chinese medicine, doctors choose appropriate Chinese herbal formulas for treatment based on the patient's condition and constitutional characteristics. Chinese herbal medicine can play a therapeutic role by adjusting the balance of yin and yang and improving the circulation of qi and blood. Western medicine is an integral part of modern medicine. Doctors select suitable Western