
International Journal of Clinical Case Reports 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 23-30 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijccr 25 1.2 Personalized principle The personalized principle is one of the fundamental principles in integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine. It emphasizes the development of personalized treatment plans based on the patient's condition and characteristics. Each person's physical condition, pathological changes, and responses to treatment are unique. Therefore, the personalized principle requires doctors to conduct a comprehensive assessment based on the specific situation of the patient and formulate targeted treatment plans. The personalized principle holds significant importance in integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes syndrome differentiation and treatment, which involves analyzing the patient's condition comprehensively, including symptoms, pulse, tongue appearance, etc., to determine the appropriate treatment based on the overall diagnosis. Through this approach, traditional Chinese medicine can tailor treatment plans to the individual, taking into account factors such as the patient's constitution, etiology, and pathological changes. In contrast, Western medicine places a strong emphasis on precise diagnosis and treatment, intervening in diseases based on scientific examinations and pharmaceutical interventions. Guided by the principle of personalization, doctors integrate diagnostic techniques and treatment methods from both traditional Chinese and Western medicine according to the patient's condition and characteristics. For instance, in the diagnosis, doctors consider symptoms, physical signs, and laboratory test results. They combine traditional Chinese medicine's syndrome differentiation and treatment methods to determine the patient's causes and pathological mechanisms. In terms of treatment, doctors, guided by the patient's specific condition, integrate traditional Chinese medicine treatments such as herbal medicine and acupuncture, as well as Western medicine approaches like drug therapy and surgery, to formulate personalized treatment plans (Fu et al., 2021). The application of the personalized principle makes treatments more precise and targeted, better meeting the needs and expectations of patients. By tailoring treatments based on the specific conditions of each patient, it is possible to maximize treatment effectiveness and minimize unnecessary side effects and risks. 1.3 Temporospatial principle The temporospatial principle is a fundamental principle in integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine, emphasizing the formulation of adaptable treatment plans based on different temporal and spatial conditions and environmental factors. The health and disease states of the human body are influenced by time and space, with different seasons, geographical environments, and lifestyle habits impacting the body. Therefore, the temporospatial principle requires doctors to comprehensively consider these factors in order to develop more adaptive treatment plans. Under the guidance of the temporospatial principle, doctors take into account the temporal and spatial conditions, as well as the patient's living environment and habits. For example, in traditional Chinese medicine, seasons and climate changes are considered to have a significant impact on human health. According to traditional Chinese medicine theory, different seasons and climate conditions can lead to an imbalance of yin and yang in the body, thereby causing certain diseases. Therefore, doctors adjust recommendations for the patient's diet, daily routine, and exercise based on seasonal changes to promote balance and recovery. The temporospatial principle is also reflected in the medication aspect of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine. The properties and efficacy of Chinese herbal medicine are influenced by factors such as the growth environment and harvest time. Therefore, doctors choose suitable herbs and doses based on the patient's specific situation. Similarly, the use of Western medicine is also personalized and adjusted according to the patient's characteristics and condition. The temporospatial principle is one of the fundamental principles in integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine. It requires doctors to develop adaptable treatment plans based on different temporal and spatial conditions and environmental factors. By considering the patient's temporospatial environment and personal characteristics, doctors can formulate more specific and targeted treatment strategies, aiming to achieve better treatment outcomes. The application of the temporospatial principle makes integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine more tailored to the needs of patients, providing personalized medical services.