
International Journal of Clinical Case Reports 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 23-30 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijccr 24 This study will elaborate on the basic principles and methods of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine. It will also discuss the applications of integrative medicine in chronic diseases, tumors, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and other areas, in order to achieve better development of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine in the future, highlighting its increasingly crucial role in the field of medicine, and bring more benefits to human health. 1 The Basic Principles of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine 1.1 Comprehensive principle The comprehensive principle is one of the fundamental principles in integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine, emphasizing the integrated application of the theories and techniques of both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine (Figure 1). Traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine each possess unique theoretical systems and treatment methods. The purpose of the comprehensive principle is to complement the advantages of both medical traditions, achieving a more comprehensive and integrated therapeutic effect (Xu et al., 2022). Figure 1 Integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine Under the guidance of the comprehensive principle, doctors will, based on the specific condition of the patient, comprehensively apply diagnostic techniques and treatment methods from both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine. For example, in terms of diagnosis, doctors can combine traditional Chinese methods such as observation, inquiry, listening, and pulse diagnosis, along with Western techniques such as laboratory tests and imaging examinations, to gain a comprehensive understanding of the patient's condition. In terms of treatment, doctors can integrate traditional Chinese medicine treatments like herbal medicine and acupuncture, as well as Western medicine approaches such as drug therapy and surgery, to develop personalized treatment plans. The core of the comprehensive principle lies in the integrated application of the strengths of both Chinese and Western medicine, aiming to achieve better treatment outcomes. Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes holistic observation, syndrome differentiation, and treatment, emphasizing the balance and regulation of the body's yin-yang equilibrium. In contrast, Western medicine focuses on the mechanisms of diseases and pathological changes, emphasizing precise diagnosis and pharmaceutical treatment. By comprehensively applying the theories and techniques of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine, a more comprehensive understanding of the essence and development process of diseases can be achieved. This, in turn, allows for the formulation of more precise and personalized treatment plans. The application of the comprehensive principle is highly versatile, covering areas such as the treatment and management of chronic diseases, comprehensive treatment of gynecological conditions, cancer treatment, and more. Guided by the comprehensive principle, doctors can better address complex and diverse medical situations, providing more comprehensive and effective treatment plans, ultimately leading to improved health outcomes for patients.