
International Journal of Clinical Case Reports 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 14-22 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijccr 21 3.3 The influence of meridian tropism of medicinal properties on the clinical efficacy and side effects of traditional Chinese medicine Meridian tropism of medicinal properties has an important impact on the clinical efficacy and side effects of TCM. In TCM, the nature, taste, and meridian tropism of drugs are key factors determining their characteristics and effects, thus having a direct impact on clinical efficacy and side effects. Meridian tropism of medicinal properties play a crucial guiding role in the clinical efficacy of TCM. Different tastes and natures of herbs correspond to distinct organs, meridians, and carry various functions. Selecting herbs with specific medicinal properties based on the patient's condition and constitution enables the regulation of organs, unblocking of meridians, and balancing of Yin and Yang, thereby achieving the therapeutic goal. For instance, in cases of patients with a cold syndrome, choosing warm-natured herbs can effectively warm Yang and dispel cold. Conversely, for patients with a heat syndrome, opting for cool-natured herbs can efficiently clear heat and detoxify. Simultaneously, considering the patient's Qi and blood status and selecting herbs with Qi and blood-regulating properties can facilitate the circulation of Qi and blood, improving symptoms (Wang, 2012). Meridian tropism of medicinal properties also influence the side effects of TCM. Some herbs with strong tastes and natures are more likely to cause side effects, while others with milder properties may have fewer side effects. In clinical practice, failure to adhere to the principles of meridian tropism of medicinal properties and the irrational selection of herbs in formulations may lead to the occurrence of side effects. For example, the use of certain herbs with cold or cool properties in patients with evident cold symptoms may exacerbate these symptoms, leading to discomfort such as diarrhea and nausea. Therefore, when formulating Chinese herbal prescriptions, doctors need to follow the principles of meridian tropism of medicinal properties, avoiding inappropriate herb combinations to minimize the occurrence of side effects (Yang et al., 2016). The theory of meridian tropism of medicinal properties plays a crucial role in shaping the clinical efficacy and side effects of TCM. Doctors must have a thorough understanding of the theory, based on the specific conditions of each patient, choose appropriate herbs for treatment. This approach aims to enhance therapeutic effects, minimize adverse reactions, and achieve a safe and effective pharmacotherapy. Simultaneously, advancing research on meridian tropism of medicinal properties is essential. Exploring the diverse tastes, natures, and actions of TCM contributes to expanding their clinical applications, ultimately elevating the effectiveness of TCM. 4 Summary and Outlook Through a long period of development, TCM has accumulated a rich array of herbal resources and a comprehensive knowledge system of medicinal substances. TCM comprises a diverse range of medicinal herbs, which can be categorized based on various classification criteria, each exhibiting distinct therapeutic effects. The theory of meridian tropism of medicinal properties is a crucial aspect of traditional Chinese pharmacology. It involves classifying and summarizing the nature and characteristics of medicinal substances, providing guidance for clinical diagnosis and treatment in TCM. The significance of this theory lies in its provision of a theoretical foundation for the field of Chinese pharmacology, contributing to a more systematic and complete knowledge system in TCM. Meridian tropism of medicinal properties assists doctors in understanding the specific characteristics and applications of different medicinal substances, enabling more accurate differential diagnosis and treatment in clinical practice. The theory of meridian tropism of medicinal properties contributes to the inheritance and development of TCM, preserving the wisdom of traditional medicine and offering new perspectives and approaches for research in modern medicine and pharmacology. In the clinical application of TCM, the value of meridian tropism of medicinal properties is manifested in personalized treatment. Different herbs are categorized under various medicinal properties and channel tropisms. Based on a patient's constitution and condition, doctors can select an appropriate combination of herbs, achieving personalized therapeutic effects. Simultaneously, in contemporary research, the theory of meridian tropism of medicinal properties provides a foundation for the development and