
International Journal of Clinical Case Reports 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 14-22 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijccr 20 Figure 4 Drug compatibility Meridian tropism of medicinal properties plays a crucial guiding role in the diagnosis and treatment in TCM. It assists TCM practitioners in selecting appropriate medicines based on the properties and meridian attributions of drugs, aiming to regulate the organs, balance Yin and Yang, and restore overall health. In clinical practice, meridian tropism of medicinal properties is considered fundamental for TCM practitioners, contributing significantly to the enhancement of treatment efficacy. 3.2 The role of meridian tropism of medicinal properties in the application of traditional Chinese medicine formulas The role of meridian tropism of medicinal properties is crucial in the application of TCM formulas. This represents a significant theory in TCM pharmacology, guiding TCM practitioners in the selection and combination of herbs when formulating prescriptions. Meridian tropism of medicinal properties mainly include cold, hot, warm, cool, neutral, bitter, sweet, sour, pungent, and salty tastes of drugs, their association with the meridians of the viscera, and their characteristics and functions in the context of treatment. Meridian tropism of medicinal properties is highly significant in TCM formulas. It provides TCM practitioners with essential guidance for selecting and combining herbs, aiding in the regulation of organ functions, balancing yin and yang, adjusting qi and blood, avoiding adverse reactions, and achieving personalized treatment. Adhering to the principles of meridian tropism of medicinal properties in TCM clinical practice can enhance the efficacy of formulas, offering more effective and safe medication treatment plans for patients (Liu et al., 2013; He et al., 2015). According to the patient's condition, constitution, and the therapeutic goals of the formula, TCM practitioners can select herbs with corresponding tastes and properties to achieve the effects of regulating organs and promoting meridian circulation. For example, for patients with cold symptoms, warming herbs can be chosen for regulation, while for those with heat symptoms, cooling herbs can be selected to clear heat. Meridian tropism of medicinal properties also contribute to balancing yin and yang. In TCM theory, the balance of yin and yang is a crucial foundation for physiological activities, and imbalance can lead to disease. By selecting appropriate medicinal properties, TCM practitioners can adjust the balance of yin and yang, restoring organ function. The tastes and properties of herbs, along with their meridian affinity, are also related to the circulation of qi and blood. Choosing suitable herbs based on the patient's qi and blood condition helps regulate the circulation of qi and blood, promoting their flow and achieving the goal of treating diseases. When formulating prescriptions, adhering to the principles of meridian tropism of medicinal properties can also help prevent adverse reactions. Some herbs have strong properties that may cause side effects, while others have milder properties suitable for long-term use. Following the principles of meridian tropism of medicinal properties helps avoid inappropriate herb combinations, reducing the occurrence of adverse reactions. As each patient's constitution and condition are unique, TCM practitioners can, based on the principles of tastes, properties, and meridian affinity, select herbs tailored to the patient's needs, achieving personalized treatment and improving efficacy (Xiao and Tao, 2017).