
International Journal of Clinical Case Reports 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 14-22 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijccr 19 play a significant role in the clinical practice of TCM, providing a vital theoretical foundation for the therapeutic effectiveness of TCM. 2.3 Classification methods and principles of meridian tropism of medicinal properties Meridian tropism of medicinal properties is a vital aspect of TCM, referring to the impact and influence of drugs on the meridians of the human body. The classification method and principle of medicinal properties and meridians are mainly based on the nature, taste, and meridians of the medicine.. The nature of drugs refers to their inherent qualities and tastes, encompassing cold, cool, warm, hot, bitter, sweet, sour, pungent, bland, and other different tastes. According to the nature of drugs, they can be categorized into four types: cold, cool, warm, and hot. The classification of medicinal properties and channel tropism is based on the effects and influences of drugs on the meridians of the human body. According to TCM theory, the human body has a meridian system, and the meridians are the main channels within this system, traversing the entire body. Each drug exerts specific effects and influences on the meridians, known as channel tropism. The nature and taste of a drug determine the direction and degree of its effects on the meridians. Cold-natured drugs can clear heat and detoxify, cool-natured drugs can clear heat and cool the blood, warm-natured drugs can warm the meridians and dispel cold, and hot-natured drugs can warm the meridians and promote circulation. Different tastes and natures correspond to different meridians, guiding the application of drugs through the concept of meridian tropism of medicinal properties. The principles of meridian tropism of medicinal properties also involve the influences of the Five Elements theory and the doctrine of viscera and bowels. According to the Five Elements theory, the nature and taste of drugs correspond to the Five Elements, and different Five Elements attributes correspond to different viscera, bowels, and meridians. Therefore, the classification of medicinal properties and channel tropism is influenced by both the Five Elements theory and the doctrine of viscera and bowels (Leong et al., 2019). Meridian tropism of medicinal properties is one of the important theories in TCM. It establishes a connection between the nature and taste of drugs and their affiliation with specific meridians, providing crucial guiding principles for the application of drugs. Through the classification method and principle of meridian tropism of medicinal properties, TCM practitioners can, based on the nature and taste of drugs and their effects on meridians, rationally select drugs to enhance clinical efficacy. 3 Significance of Meridian Tropism of Medicinal Properties in Clinical Applications of Traditional Chinese Medicine 3.1 Guiding role of meridian tropism of medicinal properties in traditional Chinese medicine syndrome differentiation and treatment Meridian tropism of medicinal properties plays a crucial guiding role in TCM syndrome differentiation and treatment. It is one of the foundational theories in TCM, assisting TCM practitioners in selecting appropriate medicines for treatment based on patients' conditions and constitutions. Following the principles of taste and meridian tropism, TCM practitioners can choose medicines corresponding to specific meridians according to the patients' symptoms and conditions. For instance, if a patient exhibits symptoms of cold syndrome, TCM practitioners may choose medicines affiliated with warming meridians to dispel cold and achieve therapeutic effects. Meridian tropism of medicinal properties also aligns with the Five Elements theory. Following the principles of the mutual generation and control relationships of the Five Elements, TCM practitioners can combine medicines to enhance therapeutic effects (Figure 4). For example, for symptoms of excessive heat, medicines affiliated with the water element can be chosen to counteract the excessive heat. In the practice of TCM syndrome differentiation and treatment, meridian tropism of medicinal properties serves as a crucial reference. Based on the characteristics of patients' syndrome differentiation, TCM practitioners select appropriate medicines to achieve the goal of resolving pathogenic factors and adjusting organ functions. Meridian tropism of medicinal properties personalized treatment for TCM practitioners. Considering the different constitutions and conditions of individual patients, TCM practitioners can select medicines suitable for each patient based on the principles of medicinal properties and meridian tropism, thereby enhancing efficacy and reducing adverse reactions.