
International Journal of Clinical Case Reports 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 14-22 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijccr 15 1 Classification Research of Traditional Chinese Medicine 1.1 Distinction between Chinese medicinal herbs and Chinese medicinal materials Chinese medicinal herbs and Chinese medicinal materials are two crucial concepts in TCM, each with distinct meanings and applications. Chinese medicinal herbs refer to plants or their parts with specific pharmacological effects, used in TCM for treating diseases or regulating the body. These herbs can be wild or cultivated and are typically collected from the above-ground parts of plants, such as roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, etc. (Figure 1). They can also be in the form of dried or processed plant materials. Chinese medicinal herbs are generally classified and applied based on their medicinal properties and effects according to the theories of TCM. For instance, Chinese medicinal herbs can be categorized into five flavors based on their characteristics: cold, cool, neutral, warm, and hot (Jane, 2007; Pan et al., 2011). Figure 1 Chinese medicinal herbs Chinese medicinal materials, on the other hand, refer to processed raw materials derived from Chinese medicinal herbs that have been harvested and undergone processing. These materials are used in the preparation of Chinese patent medicines or can be directly used as medicinal substances. Chinese medicinal materials are typically selected from specific parts of medicinal herbs known for their particular therapeutic effects. They undergo processing techniques such as air-drying, drying, and roasting (Figure 2). These processes not only stabilize and facilitate the use of Chinese medicinal materials but also alter their pharmacological characteristics, enhancing efficacy or reducing toxicity. Chinese medicinal materials play a crucial role as the primary source of medicinal components in Chinese patent medicine formulations, significantly influencing the therapeutic effects and safety of these formulations. Figure 2 Chinese medicinal materials