
International Journal of Clinical Case Reports 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 1-13 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijccr 11 quality, and the patient's expectations. When planning the treatment approach, the decision was made to implement a staged treatment, starting with stabilizing the periodontal condition through foundational periodontal therapy, followed by subsequent tooth implantation. 5.2 Comparison with existing literature According to existing literature, the success of periodontal disease treatment and tooth implantation is influenced by various factors, including individual patient differences, the selection and execution of treatment methods, and subsequent maintenance strategies (Trullenque-Eriksson et al., 2023). The patient's treatment process shares many similarities with successful cases in existing literature but also exhibits its own unique aspects. For instance, the extended duration of treatment and the complexity of the periodontal condition faced by the patient are relatively uncommon in the literature. 5.3 Key factors for treatment success The success of this case can be attributed to several key factors: precise treatment planning and execution, high patient cooperation, and ongoing professional follow-up and guidance. Additionally, the utilization of modern dental technologies, such as three-dimensional imaging and digital treatment planning, played a crucial role in the patient's treatment. 5.4 Challenges faced and strategies implemented Throughout the treatment process, we encountered several challenges, including insufficient height and width of the patient's alveolar bone, as well as managing the patient's psychological state during the treatment process. To address these issues, we employed bone augmentation surgery to enhance the implant foundation. Additionally, we established an interdisciplinary team comprising periodontists, oral implantologists, and a psychologist to provide comprehensive support for the patient's treatment journey. 5.5 Maintenance of long-term treatment outcomes To sustain the treatment outcomes over the long term, we emphasize the significance of a comprehensive maintenance plan. This involves regular periodontal check-ups, professional cleanings, and education on self-oral hygiene management for the patient. Additionally, we conduct periodic assessments of occlusal forces and implant stability to prevent potential complications (Saydzai et al., 2023). In summary, the patient's case demonstrates a successful long-term comprehensive treatment approach for periodontal therapy and missing tooth reconstruction. Through comparison and analysis with existing literature, we believe that precise planning, interdisciplinary collaboration, patient cooperation, and long-term maintenance are key to achieving treatment success. This case provides valuable clinical insights for complex periodontal cases and holds significant guiding implications for the treatment of similar cases in the future. 6 Conclusion In this comprehensive treatment case spanning over a decade involving periodontal therapy and missing tooth reconstruction, we have not only witnessed advancements in periodontal disease treatment and implantation techniques but also experienced the profound impact of personalized treatment plans on the oral health and quality of life of the patient. From this patient's case, we can draw the following conclusions: Firstly, long-term periodontal treatment is crucial for patients preparing for tooth implantation. During the patient's treatment, periodontal therapy not only successfully controlled periodontal inflammation but also created a healthy oral environment for subsequent implant surgery. The outcomes of this phase laid a solid foundation for the successful implantation and osseointegration of dental implants. Secondly, this case underscores the importance of personalized treatment plans. Tailored treatment strategies designed to address the patient's oral health condition and specific needs effectively resolved complex periodontal issues, ultimately achieving comprehensive restoration of dental function. The success of this treatment approach provides valuable insights for handling similar complex cases in the future.