
International Journal of Clinical Case Reports 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 1-13 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijccr 9 The above constitutes the complete treatment execution process for the patient, ranging from periodontal treatment to dental reconstruction. Through this carefully planned and implemented series of treatment steps, not only has the patient's oral functionality improved, but there has also been a significant enhancement in the quality of life. 4 Results Analysis After a decade-long treatment, there has been a remarkable improvement in the patient's oral condition. The following is a detailed analysis of the treatment outcomes: 4.1 Results of combined treatment with periodontal implantation The periodontal treatment received by the patient has yielded favorable outcomes. Through professional plaque control, periodontal surgery, and local antibacterial treatment, inflammation is controlled and the depth of periodontal pockets is significantly reduced. Following the initial periodontal treatment and maintenance, the patient's periodontal condition stabilized, laying the foundation for subsequent implant surgery. Regular follow-ups revealed significant improvements in gum bleeding and probing depth, indicating good oral hygiene and no further signs of alveolar bone resorption. According to the CT scan images on March 20, 2023 (Figure 7), the professional clinical evaluation of the patient after completion of implant treatment is as follows: 1) Implant distribution: Implants are evenly distributed in both the upper and lower jaws, and it appears that crowns have been successfully placed on all implants, indicating full-mouth reconstruction. 2) Implant position: The position and angle of the implants seem appropriate, which is crucial for restoring tooth function and occlusion. 3) Crown appearance: The crowns installed on the implants resemble natural teeth in form, contributing to ensuring good aesthetic outcomes and functionality. 4) Alveolar bone condition: There are no apparent signs of bone resorption around the implants, implying good osseointegration. 5) Occlusion relationship: It is not possible to fully evaluate the occlusion relationship in the image, but clinical examination shows that the occlusion relationship between the crown and the opposing teeth is good. 6) Overall oral structure: The overall layout and symmetry of implants and crowns are good, essential for occlusal balance and function. 7) Restoration of missing teeth: The previously mentioned missing upper right first molar (tooth 16) seems to have been successfully restored, contributing to the restoration of bite force and function. 8) Soft tissue condition: Detailed soft tissue conditions are not easily observable in CT images, but there are no apparent abnormal signs. Figure 7 The photo on March 20, 2023 shows a comprehensive evaluation of the patient after completing all missing tooth implants in the dental hospital