
International Journal of Clinical Case Reports 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 1-13 http://medscipublisher.com/index.php/ijccr 8 Based on the comprehensive assessment above, it is recommended that the patient continue regular oral health examinations and discuss with a dental professional the optimal treatment plan for the missing tooth (16) in the upper jaw. This is essential to ensure overall oral functionality and health. The two images depict the condition of the upper right first molar (tooth 16) before and after implantation (Figure 6). Due to limitations in image quality, the following evaluations are based on visible information in the images: Before Implantation: 1) In the pre-implantation image, the absence of the tooth at position 16 is noticeable, and the alveolar bone area appears prepared for implant placement. 2) The height and width of the alveolar bone in this area seem sufficient to support an implant, but this would need confirmation through clinical measurements. 3) There is no apparent alveolar bone resorption or other abnormalities, indicating a favorable condition for implant surgery. After Implantation: 1) The post-implantation image reveals the presence of an implant in the location of the missing tooth. 2) The implant appears to be vertically oriented in the alveolar bone, suggesting an appropriate insertion angle. 3) The density of the surrounding alveolar bone appears stable, indicating that the implant may have good bone integration. 4) No visible signs of inflammation or anomalies are present, indicating a smooth initial healing process post-surgery. Figure 6 Photos of the right maxillary first molar before and after implantation on August 18, 2020 3.4 Follow-up plan and oral maintenance After the completion of crown adaptation, a detailed follow-up plan has been established. Early follow-ups focus on monitoring the adaptation of the crown and stability of the implant. Subsequent follow-ups shift attention to long-term oral hygiene and periodontal conditions. The patient has been instructed in specialized oral hygiene maintenance, including proper tooth brushing techniques, flossing, and the use of oral irrigation devices. Additionally, it includes regular professional cleanings and, when necessary, periodontal maintenance treatments to prevent potential recurrence of periodontal diseases and inflammation around the implants. Through these comprehensive follow-up plans and oral maintenance, the patient's oral health is well-protected, and the effect of tooth reconstruction has been maintained for a long time.