
Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics 2024, Vol.12, No.3, 144-156 147 Additionally, Liu et al. (2023) utilized machine learning algorithms to integrate clinical, molecular, and imaging data, significantly improving the accuracy of drug response predictions. Their research highlighted the potential of data integration in personalized cancer treatment. By combining multiple data sources, the research team gained a comprehensive understanding of tumor characteristics and predicted individualized treatment outcomes, providing strong support for clinical decision-making (Liu et al., 2023). The advantage of multimodal data integration lies in its ability to combine different types of data, such as genomic sequencing, imaging data, and clinical records, providing a more holistic characterization of the disease. This integration method not only improves the accuracy of predictive models but also identifies new biomarkers and therapeutic targets, advancing the field of precision medicine. By comprehensively analyzing various data, researchers can uncover the complex biological properties of tumors and develop more effective personalized treatment plans. 3.2 Computational models The development of precise predictive algorithms is essential for understanding the complex biology of cancer and improving treatment outcomes. Silberberg et al. (2022) introduced a Pharmaco-Pheno-Multiomic (PPMO) integration approach to build predictive models of therapeutic responses in leukemia and ovarian cancer. This method combined multiple omics datasets with phenotypic and therapeutic response profiles, creating novel biomarker profiles that accurately predicted treatment responses. The success of this integrative method demonstrated the significant potential of comprehensive data analysis in cancer therapy (Silberberg et al., 2022). Another important study by Halasz et al. (2016) developed a computational framework to identify network rewiring in colorectal cancer cells and predict resistance to EGFR inhibitors. Their research was validated not only in cell models but also in zebrafish tumor models. This study highlighted the application potential of network modeling in predicting personalized treatment responses and demonstrated that integrating network data could better understand mechanisms of drug resistance (Halasz et al., 2016). The development of predictive algorithms relies not only on data integration but also on advanced computational methods and models. By combining machine learning and systems biology approaches, researchers can develop more accurate and robust predictive models, enhancing the effectiveness of personalized treatments. These models can predict patient responses to specific therapies and identify potential biomarkers and therapeutic targets, providing valuable guidance for clinical practice. 3.3 Systems biology approaches Network-based methods are powerful tools for predicting treatment responses by modeling complex biological interactions. Rodin et al. (2022) emphasized the importance of integrating protein-protein interaction networks with regulatory networks to identify prognostic genes and regulatory mechanisms in cancer. Their approach provided new insights into tumor immune microenvironments and potential immunotherapy strategies by combining various biological network data. This method not only enhanced the predictive capability for treatment responses but also helped identify new therapeutic targets (Rodin et al., 2022). Boehm et al. (2021) discussed the integration of molecular diagnostics, imaging, and clinical data to advance precision oncology. They highlighted the challenges and opportunities in developing multimodal biomarkers to propel the field forward. Their research demonstrated the immense potential of integrative approaches in improving the accuracy and efficacy of cancer treatment by combining multiple data types (Boehm et al., 2021). The core of systems biology approaches lies in understanding the complexity of biological systems through multi-layered data integration. By combining genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics data, researchers can construct comprehensive biological network models, leading to better predictions of treatment responses. These methods are significant not only in theory but also in practical applications, showing potential for improving patient outcomes through enhanced therapeutic strategies.