
Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics 2024, Vol.12, No.3, 137-143 142 used to repair cancer-related gene mutations, reducing the patient's cancer risk. These advanced techniques hold great promise for the future of personalized cancer treatment, offering precise and effective options tailored to the genetic profile of each patient. 6 Conclusion and Outlook This review has comprehensively discussed the importance of personalized and precision medicine in cancer treatment and its applications. It highlights that the core concept of personalized cancer treatment is to develop individualized treatment strategies based on the unique characteristics of the patient and the molecular features of the tumor. This approach provides more effective and less toxic treatment options for patients. The rapid development of precision medicine technologies, such as molecular biology, genomics, immunotherapy, and gene editing, has strongly supported the implementation of personalized treatment. Personalized and precision treatments are crucial in cancer therapy. Traditional treatment methods, although effective, often come with severe side effects, and their efficacy varies among patients. Personalized treatment shifts the strategy from a "one-size-fits-all" approach to an individualized one, better meeting patients' needs, increasing treatment success rates, and reducing unnecessary toxic side effects. To further advance personalized and precision treatments, more research and clinical practice are needed. Researchers should continue to explore the relationship between tumor molecular characteristics and treatment responses, develop new treatment strategies, and conduct more clinical trials to verify the efficacy and safety of these methods. Additionally, interdisciplinary collaboration will play a key role, combining molecular biology, medicine, computer science, and clinical practice to drive the realization of personalized treatment. In the future, personalized and precision treatments will continue to be a major trend in cancer research and therapy. With continuous advancements in molecular biology and genomics, we can gain deeper insights into the molecular mechanisms of tumors, discover new therapeutic targets, and develop more precise treatment methods. Moreover, artificial intelligence and big data analysis will play an increasingly significant role in personalized treatment, helping doctors better predict patients' treatment responses. The prospects for personalized and precision treatments are very promising. By better understanding patients' genetic and molecular characteristics, doctors can create unique treatment plans for each patient, offering better treatment outcomes and survival rates. Over time, we can expect more types of cancer to have targeted treatment strategies, with patients benefiting from fewer side effects and higher treatment success rates. Acknowledgments I would like to express my gratitude to Ms. Han for her valuable suggestions from the selection of the research topic to the completion of the project. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The author affirms that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Faria S.C., Sagebiel T., Patnana M., Cox V., Viswanathan C., Lall C., Qayyum A., and Bhosale P.R., 2019, Tumor markers: myths and facts unfolded, Abdominal Radiology, 44: 1575-1600. PMid:30498924 Gambardella V., Tarazona N., Cejalvo J.M., Lombardi P., Huerta M., Roselló S., and Cervantes A., 2020, Personalized medicine: recent progress in cancer therapy, Cancers, 12(4): 1009. PMid:32325878 PMCid:PMC7226371 Huang Z.M., Zeng F., Wei W.L., Zhang Y., and Zhao J.M., Research on the application of artificial intelligence in clinical teaching in the context of new medical science, Chuanxin Jiaoyu Yanjiu (Creative Education Studies), 11(10): 3066-3072. Liang B., Ding H., Huang L., Luo H., and Zhu X., 2020, GWAS in cancer: progress and challenges, Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 295: 537-561.