
Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics 2024, Vol.12, No.3, 137-143 141 biopsy, a method of directly collecting tissue samples from patients, is typically performed via endoscopy or surgery. This method is usually employed to determine the type and pathological characteristics of the tumor. For early-stage cancers, tissue biopsy is often conducted when a tumor is suspected to confirm the diagnosis. 4.2 Application of molecular markers Molecular markers are molecules or biological markers used to identify disease states. In the field of cancer, molecular markers can aid in diagnosis, staging, and predicting patient prognosis. These markers can include proteins, nucleic acids, or metabolites. By analyzing molecular markers in tumor samples, doctors can gain a better understanding of the disease and develop precise treatment plans based on the individual characteristics of the patient. The application of molecular markers plays a crucial role in cancer research and clinical practice. 4.3 Role of imaging technologies in diagnosis Imaging technologies such as CT, MRI, and PET-CT play a significant role in the diagnosis and staging of cancer. These technologies can be used to detect the location, size, and spread of tumors. With continuous technological advancements, the precision of imaging in cancer diagnosis has significantly improved. Additionally, the integration of molecular markers with medical imaging is expected to become a more accurate diagnostic method, thereby better guiding treatment decisions. 5 Personalized Treatment Methods and Applications 5.1 Targeted therapy and targeted drugs A key aspect of personalized treatment is targeted therapy, which involves selecting appropriate drugs based on the molecular characteristics of a patient's tumor. The fundamental concept of targeted therapy is to selectively kill or inhibit cancer cells by interfering with their growth and proliferation mechanisms, while minimizing damage to normal cells. This approach is more individualized and precise compared to traditional radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Targeted drugs are specifically designed to interfere with particular molecules or signaling pathways in cancer cells. These drugs typically work by inhibiting or intervening in molecular targets, such as kinases or receptor proteins (Zhong et al., 2021). For example, for breast cancer patients expressing HER2 (human epidermal growth factor receptor 2), drugs like Herceptin (trastuzumab) can target this receptor, effectively treating the cancer. Therefore, targeted therapy relies on a deep understanding of the molecular characteristics of the patient's tumor, often requiring genetic testing or protein analysis to determine the most suitable drugs. 5.2 Immunotherapy Immunotherapy is another crucial personalized treatment approach that utilizes the patient's immune system to recognize and attack cancer cells. The core concept of immunotherapy is to enhance or reactivate the patient's immune response to inhibit tumor growth and spread (Xu et al., 2021). The importance of this method lies in the fact that the immune response varies among patients, necessitating individualized treatment strategies based on the patient's immune characteristics. Applications of immunotherapy include immune checkpoint inhibitors, such as anti-PD-1 and anti-CTLA-4 drugs, which prevent cancer cells from evading immune surveillance. CAR-T cell therapy is another innovative immunotherapy approach involving the extraction of the patient's T cells, genetic modification to enhance their anti-cancer capabilities, and reinfusion into the patient. The selection and adjustment of these immunotherapies require personalization based on the patient's immune status and tumor characteristics. 5.3 Gene therapy and gene editing technologies Gene therapy and gene editing technologies are at the forefront of personalized treatment, directly intervening in the patient's genes or gene expression to treat cancer. One application of gene therapy involves introducing genes with anti-cancer functions into the patient to enhance their ability to combat cancer. Gene editing technologies allow for the modification or repair of abnormal genes in the patient, thereby preventing tumor development. For example, gene therapy can be developed to introduce anti-cancer genes such as the p53 gene, helping the patient's immune system to better attack cancer cells. Gene editing technologies like CRISPR-Cas9 have been