
Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics 2024, Vol.12, No.3, 137-143 139 treatment methods, such as immunotherapy and targeted therapy, offer better treatment options for some cancer patients. The advancement of these treatment modalities is changing the trends in cancer development, leading to improved survival rates for patients. 2 Concepts of Personalized Medicine and Precision Medicine 2.1 Definition of personalized medicine Personalized medicine, also known as individualized medicine, is a medical approach tailored to the unique characteristics of each patient based on their genetic, molecular, physiological, and clinical features. This medical model aims to individualize medical decisions and treatment plans to better meet the specific needs of each patient. The core concept of personalized medicine is that every person is unique, and their diseases and health conditions should be treated in a unique way. This means that medical decisions are no longer solely based on general standards and guidelines but are instead crafted according to the individual characteristics of each patient, thereby enhancing treatment efficacy and minimizing unnecessary side effects. 2.2 Definition of precision medicine Precision medicine, also known as individualized medicine, is a specific practice of personalized medicine that focuses on using advanced molecular and genetic technologies to gain a more precise understanding of each patient’s biological characteristics, including their genome, proteome, and metabolome. The goal of precision medicine is to accurately diagnose diseases, predict disease risk, determine the most appropriate treatment plans, and monitor treatment outcomes. It emphasizes the precise measurement and deep understanding of individual differences to better match treatment methods to disease characteristics. Precision medicine relies on advanced molecular biology and bioinformatics tools to provide more comprehensive and accurate medical care (Tsimberidou et al., 2020). 2.3 Relationship between personalized medicine and precision medicine Personalized medicine and precision medicine are closely related concepts that both aim to better meet the individualized needs of patients. In fact, precision medicine can be seen as a means to achieve personalized medicine. Personalized medicine focuses on providing individualized medical services and treatment plans, while precision medicine provides the scientific and technological foundation necessary to achieve this goal. By deeply researching patients' biological characteristics, such as genotypes and biomarkers, precision medicine enables doctors to formulate more accurate and individualized treatment plans. Therefore, these two concepts are closely intertwined, jointly driving the development of the modern medical field and providing more effective medical care for patients. 3 Application of Molecular Biology and Genomics in Cancer Research 3.1 Gene mutations and cancer development The development of cancer is closely associated with gene mutations. Gene mutations refer to changes in the DNA sequence of the genome, which may alter the function of genes. In many cases, the origin of cancer can be traced back to mutations in certain key genes (Liang et al., 2020). These genes can be categorized into two types: tumor suppressor genes and oncogenes. Tumor suppressor genes normally function to inhibit uncontrolled cell growth, but when they mutate, cells lose this inhibitory effect, leading to the formation of cancer cells. Conversely, mutations in oncogenes result in their overactivation, promoting abnormal cell proliferation. Through molecular biology techniques, researchers can identify mutations in these critical genes, thereby gaining a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying cancer development. 3.2 Application of genomic technologies In recent years, the rapid development of genomic technologies has become an essential tool in cancer research. Techniques such as whole-genome sequencing, exome sequencing, and RNA sequencing allow scientists to comprehensively analyze the genetic information of tumor cells. These technologies enable researchers to identify various gene mutations in tumors, including single nucleotide polymorphisms, copy number variations, and chromosomal rearrangements. Additionally, RNA sequencing allows for the analysis of gene expression patterns in tumor cells (Zhang et al., 2023), providing insights into which genes play critical roles in the onset and