
Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics 2024, Vol.12, No.3, 137-143 138 different regions, populations, and age groups. There are noticeable disparities in cancer incidence and mortality between different regions. Developed countries typically report higher cancer incidence rates, while developing countries face higher cancer mortality rates. Additionally, the prevalence of different types of cancer varies by region. Lung cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colorectal cancer are among the most common cancers worldwide (Yuan et al., 2021). Such studies help reveal the impact of various risk factors, such as smoking, diet, environmental factors, and genetic predispositions, on cancer incidence. Global epidemiological data also provide crucial information for guiding health policies and resource allocation to better prevent and treat cancer. 1.2 Types and classification of cancer Cancer is a diverse group of diseases with complex types and classifications. Essentially, cancers are classified based on the tissues or organs where they originate. For instance, breast cancer originates in breast tissue, while lung cancer originates in lung tissue. Different types of cancer typically exhibit distinct growth patterns and pathological characteristics, which can be determined through tissue biopsies and pathological examinations. Detailed histological classification allows doctors to identify the specific type of cancer a patient has, aiding in the selection of the most appropriate treatment strategy. Moreover, cancer can be further classified based on cell type, tissue origin, and molecular characteristics. For example, breast cancer can be subdivided into different subtypes such as hormone receptor-positive and HER2-positive breast cancer (Figure 1), which have different treatment options. Similarly, lung cancer can be divided into small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer, each with distinct growth patterns and treatment approaches. The detailed classification of cancer helps doctors better understand the nature of the disease, enabling the development of more individualized treatment plans. Figure 1 Acoustic image of HER2 positive breast cancer 1.3 Trends in Cancer Development The trends in cancer development are continually evolving, influenced by various factors. Firstly, demographic changes, especially the increase in the aging population, have led to a rise in the incidence of certain cancers. Additionally, lifestyle factors such as smoking, diet, and physical activity significantly impact cancer risk. For example, there is a strong association between smoking and lung cancer (Wang et al., 2022), while a high-fiber diet is linked to a reduced risk of colorectal cancer. On the other hand, improvements in early cancer screening and treatment methods have significantly impacted the incidence and mortality rates of certain cancers. Early cancer screening allows for the detection of tumors at the early stages of disease development, thereby increasing the chances of successful treatment. Moreover, new