
Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics 2024, Vol.12, No.3, 137-143 137 Research Report Open Access Personalized and Precise Treatment of Cancer JianWang Zhuji Tongji Hospital, Zhuji, 311800, Zhejiang, China Corresponding email: Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics, 2024, Vol.12, No.3 doi: 10.5376/cge.2024.12.0016 Received: 12 Apr., 2024 Accepted: 19 May, 2024 Published: 31 May, 2024 Copyright © 2024 Wang, This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Preferred citation for this article: Wang J., 2024, Personalized and precise treatment of cancer, Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics, 12(3): 137-143 (10.5376/cge.2024.12.0016) Abstract The core concept of personalized treatment is to develop individualized treatment strategies based on the unique characteristics of the patient and the molecular features of the tumor, aiming to provide more effective and less toxic treatment options. The rapid advancement of precision medicine technologies has strongly supported the implementation of personalized treatment, including the association between gene mutations and cancer development, the application of genomics technologies, and the identification of tumor driver genes. This review comprehensively discusses the definitions and development trends of personalized and precision cancer treatment, the application of molecular biology and genomics in cancer research, precise methods for diagnosis and staging, and personalized treatment approaches and applications. It also emphasizes the importance of personalized and precision treatment in cancer therapy, encouraging future research and clinical practice to offer better treatment options for patients, advance the field, and ultimately reduce cancer mortality. Keywords Cancer; Personalized treatment; Precision medicine; Molecular biology; Genomics Cancer has long been a major challenge in the global health sector, not only due to its high incidence and mortality rates but also because of its high heterogeneity. Different types and subtypes of cancer exhibit significant differences at the molecular level, making traditional cancer treatments inadequate for meeting the needs of all patients. However, with rapid advancements in the biomedical field, particularly in molecular biology, genomics, and bioinformatics, personalized and precision therapies are emerging in cancer treatment. Personalized treatment refers to selecting the most appropriate treatment strategy based on an individual's genotype, phenotype, lifestyle, and environmental factors (Gambardella et al., 2020). This means that different patients may receive different treatment regimens tailored to better address their unique cancer characteristics. Compared to traditional cancer treatments, personalized treatment is more precise and effective, reducing adverse reactions and side effects during the treatment process. Precision medicine focuses more on using molecular biology and genomics technologies to select the most suitable treatment strategy by thoroughly understanding the molecular characteristics of a patient's tumor (Tsimberidou et al., 2020). This approach enables doctors to provide highly individualized treatment plans, increasing the chances of successful outcomes. By understanding the molecular features of a patient's tumor, doctors can choose targeted therapies, immunotherapies, or other patient-specific treatments, thereby minimizing ineffective attempts during the treatment process. Therefore, personalized and precision therapies have become the forefront of cancer treatment. They not only provide better treatment options for patients but also play a crucial role in improving treatment outcomes and survival rates. This review delves into the concepts, technologies, and applications of these therapies, offering insights into how they are transforming cancer treatment and further advancing the development of personalized and precision therapies. 1 Epidemiology and Development Trends of Cancer 1.1 Global epidemiology of cancer Cancer is a significant global health challenge, with millions of people diagnosed with various types of cancer each year. Global epidemiological studies on cancer aim to understand the distribution of cancer incidence and mortality rates across