
1 Introduction 22
Breast cancer remains one of the most prevalent an 22
2 Technologies for Detecting DNA Methylation 22
Bisulfite sequencing is a widely used method for d 22
Methylation-Specific PCR (MSP) is a PCR-based tech 23
Pyrosequencing is another method used to analyze D 23
Microarrays are used for high-throughput analysis 23
Each of these technologies has its own strengths a 23
3 Advances in Understanding DNA Methylation in Bre 23
Recent studies have significantly advanced our und 23
Epigenetic changes, particularly DNA methylation, 24
The discovery and validation of DNA methylation bi 24
4 Clinical Applications of DNA Methylation in Earl 24
5 Current Challenges and Limitations 27
6 Future Directions 27
7 Concluding Remarks 28