
Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics 2024, Vol.12, No.2, 70-78 75 Although this method has limitations, such as characterizing potential antigens and the time required to isolate, clone, and test T-cell receptors, and the variable affinity of patient-specific T-cell receptors to their corresponding antigens, the clinical response benefits were limited. However, some processes were optimized during the trial, and there is room for further improvements. This research also demonstrated the potential viability of this treatment strategy. 3.3 Application and challenges of genomics in various types of cancer Genomics is widely and deeply applied in various types of cancer, but it also faces many challenges. In terms of application, genomics provides a crucial foundation for precision medicine by deeply analyzing gene mutations in cancer cells. For instance, in lung cancer, genomics helps doctors identify mutations in key genes such as EGFR and KRAS, guiding the selection of targeted drugs. In breast cancer, the amplification status of the HER2 gene becomes an important indicator for assessing whether a patient is suitable for specific treatments. In gastrointestinal cancer, in-depth research on the genome has revealed multiple gene mutations related to tumor occurrence and development, providing clues for developing new treatment strategies. However, genomics also faces challenges in cancer applications. Different types of cancers have distinct genomic characteristics, making the interpretation and analysis of genomic data complex. Even within the same type of cancer, genomic variations among different patients are significant, requiring doctors to have a high level of expertise and skills in formulating personalized treatment plans. The acquisition and analysis of genomic data require expensive equipment and skilled personnel, which somewhat limits its application in primary healthcare facilities. Additionally, the privacy protection of genomic data is an urgent issue to address; ensuring that patients' genetic information is not misused or leaked poses significant ethical and legal challenges. Genomics still faces challenges in drug development and clinical trials. Although some drugs based on genomic discoveries have entered clinical use, many potential therapeutic targets still require further validation and research. Moreover, effectively integrating genomic data with clinical trial results to guide clinical practice remains a critical task. 4 Trends in Genomics Technologies and Methods for Treatment 4.1 Trends and future directions in genomics technologies Genomics, as a core area of modern biology, is undergoing rapid development with limitless potential for the future. With continuous innovations in sequencing technologies, third-generation methods such as single-molecule sequencing and nanopore sequencing are becoming mature. These advancements are set to enhance the accuracy and speed of sequencing, reducing the costs and time required for whole-genome sequencing. This progress will significantly promote the large-scale production and application of genomic data (Huang et al., 2018). The application of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the analysis of genomic data is becoming increasingly widespread. As the volume of genomic data grows exponentially, traditional data analysis methods are becoming inadequate. Using artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies can efficiently parse these data, extracting more biological information and identifying potential therapeutic targets. The integration of genomics with other omics technologies will also be a significant future direction (Gregory et al., 2019). For example, the combination of genomics with transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics can reveal the molecular mechanisms of organisms under various physiological and pathological states more comprehensively, providing more precise guidance for disease diagnosis and treatment. 4.2 New technologies and methods in personalized cancer treatment In recent years, a variety of new technologies and methods have emerged in the field of personalized cancer treatment, enhancing treatment efficacy and significantly reducing side effects, thus offering new hope to cancer patients. Among these, genomic technologies are undoubtedly one of the most representative methods in personalized cancer treatment. By performing whole-genome sequencing on a patient's tumor tissue, doctors can precisely