
Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics 2024, Vol.12, No.2, 70-78 73 Figure 1 Typical pathogen genomics workflow (Gregory et al., 2019) Based on the patient's genomic characteristics, physicians select appropriate molecular targeted drugs. These drugs typically target specific proteins or signaling pathways, inhibiting or activating these molecules to block cancer growth and spread. For example, some targeted drugs may focus on specific receptors on cancer cell surfaces, preventing their interaction with ligands and thus inhibiting cancer cell growth; others may target intracellular signaling pathways, blocking cancer cell proliferation and survival. When selecting molecular targeted drugs, considerations also include the patient’s overall health, previous treatment responses, and the side effects of the drugs. As each patient's genomic characteristics are unique, the selection of molecular targeted drugs must be individualized. Physicians need to weigh the pros and cons according to the specific circumstances of the patient, devising the most suitable treatment plan.