
Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics 2024, Vol.12, No.2, 106-114 112 studies changes in gene expression and regulatory levels. This interrelationship plays a vital role in revealing cancer pathogenesis, discovering potential therapeutic targets, and developing personalized treatment plans. 5.1 Current status of research on the relationship between cancer genomics and epigenetics Research on the relationship between cancer genomics and epigenetics occupies an important position in current cancer research, providing extensive information for understanding cancer pathogenesis, identifying potential therapeutic targets, and developing personalized treatment strategies. In recent years, researchers have been integrating multi-omics data from cancer genomics and epigenetics, including gene mutations, gene expression, DNA methylation, and histone modifications (Ilango et al., 2020). This comprehensive analysis helps to fully understand the biological characteristics of tumors and reveal the interactions between genomics and epigenetics. Researchers have successfully identified subtypes of various cancers through integrated analysis of genomic and epigenetic data. This classification aids in a better understanding of cancer heterogeneity and guides the development of personalized treatment plans. Correlation studies have revealed new therapeutic targets that may involve specific gene mutations and epigenetic regulatory pathways. Researchers are exploring therapeutic strategies targeting these new targets, providing new directions for innovative drug development. By tracking the genomic evolution and dynamic epigenetic changes of tumors, researchers can gain a deep understanding of the tumor evolution process. This is important for understanding the formation of drug resistance, metastasis, and therapeutic resistance mechanisms. By combining cancer genomics and epigenetic information, researchers are gradually achieving the formulation of personalized treatment strategies. Based on the unique molecular characteristics of patients, more precise treatment plans can be chosen to improve treatment efficacy. 5.2 Epigenetic modifications of cancer-related genes Cancer development and progression are often accompanied by abnormal gene expression, and epigenetic modifications play a key role in this process as an important gene regulatory mechanism. For example, TP53, a tumor suppressor gene (Yuan et al., 2020), often experiences abnormal DNA methylation in its promoter region in various cancers, leading to gene silencing or repressed expression. Additionally, abnormal changes in histone acetylation and methylation can also affect the chromatin structure of the TP53 gene, thus influencing its function in cancer. BRCA1 and BRCA2 are genes associated with breast and ovarian cancers, and abnormal DNA methylation in their promoter regions is closely related to the occurrence of these cancers, potentially leading to gene silencing. Histone acetylation and methylation also play key roles in the regulation of these two genes, with abnormal modifications potentially causing changes in gene expression. RB1, a gene associated with retinoblastoma, commonly experiences promoter region DNA methylation associated with various cancers, leading to downregulation of gene expression. Changes in histone methylation and acetylation may also play a role in the inactivation of the RB1 gene. PTEN, a tumor suppressor gene, has been shown to have DNA methylation associated with various cancers, potentially leading to gene silencing or downregulation of expression. Abnormal changes in histone acetylation and phosphorylation can affect the expression and function of the PTEN gene. EGFR, an epidermal growth factor receptor, has DNA methylation associated with various cancers, potentially leading to gene silencing or downregulation of expression. Histone acetylation and phosphorylation may play roles in the regulation of the EGFR gene, affecting the proliferation and survival of cancer cells. These examples reveal the diverse epigenetic modifications of cancer-related genes. In-depth research on these modifications is crucial for understanding cancer's molecular mechanisms, discovering new therapeutic targets, and developing personalized treatment strategies. 5.3 Challenges and opportunities in epigenetics in cancer genomics research Epigenetics plays a critical role in cancer research, yet its study faces a series of challenges. Epigenetics research involves multidimensional data such as genomics, transcriptomics, and methylomics, requiring interdisciplinary