
Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics 2024, Vol.12, No.2, 70-78 70 Research Report Open Access The Application of Genomics in Personalized Cancer Therapy Jiayao Zhou Institute of Life Science, Jiyang College of Zhejiang A&F University, Zhuji, 311800, Zhejiang, China Corresponding email: Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics, 2024, Vol.12, No.2 doi: 10.5376/cge.2024.12.0009 Received: 25 Jan., 2024 Accepted: 28 Feb., 2024 Published: 11 Mar., 2024 Copyright © 2024 Zhou, This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Preferred citation for this article: Zhou J.Y., 2024, The application of genomics in personalized cancer therapy, Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics, 12(2): 70-78 (doi: 10.5376/cge.2024.12.0009) Abstract Genomics provides precise tools and methods for personalized cancer treatment by revealing the genomic characteristics of cancer. Through the practical application of typical cases, it demonstrates its great potential in improving treatment efficacy and patient survival rate, indicating that genomics will play a more important role in cancer treatment in the future. This review summarizes the genomic characteristics of cancer, including its variations, mutations, and roles in the occurrence, development, and metastasis of cancer, emphasizing the guiding significance of genomics for cancer treatment. It elaborates on the basic principles of personalized cancer treatment, and further analyzes the practical application effect and patient survival rate of genomics in personalized cancer treatment through specific cases. It discusses the development trend of genomics treatment technologies and methods, as well as its application prospects in personalized cancer treatment. This manuscript aims to reveal its key role in improving treatment efficacy and patient survival rate, and explore future development directions, with a view to providing new treatment strategies and methods for the field of cancer treatment. Keywords Genomics; Cancer; Personalized therapy; Precision medicine; Genetic sequencing Cancer, a disease that often strikes fear into the hearts of many, has long been a formidable challenge in the medical field. In recent years, with the rapid advancements in genomics, our understanding of cancer has moved from a superficial level to a molecular and genetic one, paving the way for personalized treatment options. The significance of genomics in cancer treatment cannot be overstated. Each individual's genome is unique, and cancer is driven by specific mutations within these genomes. By thoroughly studying these mutations, we can better understand the mechanisms of cancer initiation, progression, and metastasis, thereby tailoring the most effective treatment plans for each patient (Besser et al., 2018). Personalized medicine, a direct application of genomics in cancer therapy, is fundamentally changing the paradigm of cancer treatment. The traditional "one-size-fits-all" treatment approach is gradually being replaced by precision therapies based on patient-specific genomic information (Mook et al., 2018). Genomics provides essential tools for personalized cancer treatment. The development of high-throughput sequencing technologies allows for the rapid acquisition of a patient's complete genomic profile, while powerful bioinformatics tools help interpret this data and identify gene mutations closely linked to cancer development. Based on this information, the most appropriate targeted drugs or immunotherapy options can be selected for patients, maximizing the effectiveness of the treatment (Gwinn et al., 2019). This paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current status and trends in the application of genomics in personalized cancer treatment. It discusses the genomic characteristics of cancer and the basic principles and implementation methods of personalized cancer therapy. Through specific case studies, it examines the practical effectiveness of genomics in personalized treatment and explores the future directions of genomic therapy techniques and methods. It is hoped that this paper will serve as a valuable reference for researchers and clinicians in the field of cancer treatment, promoting the broader application of genomics in personalized cancer therapy.