
Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics 2024, Vol.12, No.2, 88-96 92 4.3 Comparative effectiveness with traditional methods Comparative studies have demonstrated that DNA methylation-based detection methods can be more effective than traditional imaging techniques alone. For instance, the integration of methylation markers with breast ultrasound has been shown to significantly improve the accuracy of early breast cancer diagnosis, particularly in patients with indeterminate breast nodules categorized under BI-RADS. This combined approach has been found to enhance diagnostic accuracy and specificity, reducing the rate of unnecessary biopsies and surgeries (Guan et al., 2018). Furthermore, computational models using DNA methylation data have been developed to predict breast cancer invasiveness (Figure 2), offering a potential tool for guiding clinical decision-making and improving patient outcomes (Wang et al., 2020). Figure 2 Stability and clinical validation of the automatic detection process for circulating methylated ccfDNA (Adopted from Wang et al., 2021) Image caption: (a) PCR Ct values of ACTB gene relative to ccfDNA methylation levels were used to compare the repeatability of automatic and manual processes. (b) PCR Ct values using the relative ccfDNA methylation levels of the ACTB gene. (c) Decision tree model and ROC curve for breast cancer prediction in recursive partitioning and regression tree training sets. (d) Decision tree model and ROC curve for predicting breast cancer in the recursive partitioning and regression tree test set (Adopted from Wang et al., 2021) The study by Wang et al. (2021) demonstrated the clinical application of DNA methylation in early detection through automated ccfDNA testing. The graph shows a comparison of Ct values between automated and manual processes (a) and between machines (b), showing the consistency and accuracy of the replication, indicating a high degree of reliability. The decision tree model and ROC curves (c and d) demonstrated high sensitivity and specificity in breast cancer prediction, highlighting the potential of DNA methylation in early cancer detection, providing a pathway for non-invasive and efficient diagnosis. DNA methylation biomarkers hold great potential for the early detection of breast cancer. Non-invasive detection methods, such as liquid biopsies, provide a promising alternative to traditional diagnostic techniques, with the added benefit of reducing unnecessary invasive procedures. Comparative studies indicate that integrating DNA methylation analysis with traditional methods can enhance diagnostic accuracy and improve clinical outcomes for breast cancer patients.