
Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics 2024, Vol.12, No.2, 70-78 77 future research and development. Looking ahead, as genomic technologies continue to evolve and improve, personalized cancer treatment is expected to bring hope to more patients. We anticipate more breakthroughs and innovations in this field and believe that humanity will ultimately conquer this life-threatening adversary. In the journey towards this goal, genomics will continue to play an irreplaceable role, bringing a brighter future to cancer patients. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The author affirms that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Aiello N.M., Maddipati R., Norgard R.J., Balli D.,Li J., and Yuan S., 2018, EMT subtype influences epithelial plasticity and mode of cell migration, Dev Cell, 45: 681-684. PMid:29920274 PMCid:PMC6014628 Besser J., Carleton H.A., Gerner-Smidt P., Lindsey R.L., and Trees E., 2018, Next-generation sequencing technologies and their application to the study and control of bacterial infections, Clin Microbiol Infect, 24: 335-341. PMid:29074157 PMCid:PMC5857210 Gregory L.A., Duncan R.M., Jill T., Heather A., Carleton M.P.H., Elizabeth B.N., Richard S.B., James E.P., and Marta G., 2019, Pathogen genomics in public health, N Engl J Med., 381: 2569-2580. PMid:31881145 PMCid:PMC7008580 Guthrie J.L., Strudwick L., and Roberts B., 2019, Whole genome sequencing for improved understanding of Mycobacterium tuberculosis transmission in a remote circumpolar region, Epidemiol Infect, 147: 188-188. PMid:31364521 PMCid:PMC6518594 Gwinn M., MacCannell D., and Armstrong G.L., 2019, Next-generation sequencing of infectious pathogens, JAMA, 321: 893-894. PMid:30763433 PMCid:PMC6682455 Hill M.A., Alexander W.B., Guo B., Kato Y., Patra K., and O'Dell M.R., 2018, Kras and Tp53 mutations cause cholangiocyte- and hepatocyte-derived cholangiocarcinoma, Cancer Res., 78: 4445-4451. PMid:29871934 PMCid:PMC6097629 Huang S.J., Cai N.G., Pedro P.P., Shavira N., Wang Y., and Xu W.Y., 2018, Applications of support vector machine (SVM) learning in cancer genomics, Cancer Genomics & Proteomics, 15(1): 41-51. PMCid:PMC5822181 Janet P., Juan M.R.A., Josep S.P., Francesco R., Emilio C., Ferran S., and Laura I.F., 2020, The DisGeNET knowledge platform for disease genomics: 2019 update, Nucleic Acids Research, 48(1): 845-855. MacCannell D., 2019, Platforms and analytical tools used in nucleic acid sequence-based microbial genotyping procedures, Microbiol Spectr, 7(1): 5. PMid:30737915 Mary J.G., Brian C., Mim H., Kristupas R., Fran M., Akhil K., Ayan B., Yunhai L., Dave R., Angela N.B., Zhu J.C., and David H., 2020, Visualizing and interpreting cancer genomics data via the Xena platform, Nature Biotechnology, 38: 675-678. PMid:32444850 PMCid:PMC7386072 Mook P., Gardiner D., and Verlander N.Q., 2018, Operational burden of implementing salmonella enteritidis and typhimurium cluster detection using whole genome sequencing surveillance data in England: a retrospective assessment, Epidemiol Infect, 146: 1452-1460. PMid:29961436 PMCid:PMC9133683 Preethi K.A., Lakshmanan G., and Sekar D., 2021, Antagomir technology in the treatment of different types of cancer, Epigenomics, 13(7): 481-484. PMid:33719531 Satta G., Lipman M., Smith G.P., Arnold C., Kon O.M., and McHugh T.D., 2018, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and whole-genome sequencing: how close are we to unleashing its full potential? Clin Microbiol Infect., 24: 604-609. PMid:29108952