
Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics 2024, Vol.12, No.1, 1-7 6 Radiation therapy is a treatment method that uses high-energy radiation to kill cancer cells (Figure 2). However, radiation therapy can also cause damage to normal cells and the immune system. Immunomodulators can enhance immune system function, improve the body's tolerance to radiation therapy, and enhance the effectiveness of radiation therapy. Surgery is a treatment method that involves the removal of tumor tissue. Immunotherapy can activate the immune system, eliminating residual cancer cells and reducing the risk of recurrence and metastasis. The combination of these approaches can improve the effectiveness of surgery and reduce the likelihood of postoperative recurrence. 3.4 Potential applications in cancer prevention and early diagnosis Immunomodulators have potential applications in cancer prevention and early diagnosis. By modulating the function of the immune system, immunomodulators can enhance the body's ability to clear precancerous lesions, thereby preventing their progression into cancer. For example, certain immunomodulators can augment immune cell recognition and cytotoxicity against abnormal cells, reducing the development of precancerous lesions. Immunomodulators can reduce the risk of cancer by enhancing the functionality of the immune system, thereby improving the body's ability to eliminate cancer cells. For instance, certain immunomodulators can boost immune cell attack on cancer cells, reducing their survival and spread. By modulating the immune system's function, immunomodulators can enhance the body's ability to recognize cancer cells, thereby helping to detect cancer early. For example, some immunomodulators can enhance immune cell recognition of cancer cell-specific antigens, thereby increasing the detection rate of early-stage cancer. 4 Summary and Outlook Cancer poses a significant global health challenge, and traditional treatment methods such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy have certain limitations. Immunotherapy, as an emerging treatment strategy, has made significant strides by harnessing the patient's own immune system to target cancer cells. Immune checkpoint inhibitors, among the most successful immunotherapeutic approaches, activate the patient's immune system to attack cancer cells by inhibiting the action of immune checkpoint molecules. These drugs have demonstrated notable therapeutic effects in various cancer types, including melanoma and non-small cell lung cancer. However, immunotherapy still faces challenges such as immunoresistance and side effects. Immunotherapy can lead to immune resistance in some patients. Future research will explore the mechanisms underlying immune resistance and seek methods to overcome it, such as developing new immunomodulators, implementing combination therapy strategies, and enhancing immune cell functionality. The application of immunotherapy needs to consider individual differences and tumor characteristics. Future research will focus on developing personalized immunotherapy strategies, including predictive models based on tumor genomics and immunohistology, as well as tailored treatment plans for individual patients. Figure 2 Cystic fibrosis