
Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics 2024, Vol.12, No.1, 66-69 69 marker showed superior prognostic value over single immune cell types in both continuous variables and categorized density groups. In the SCOT trial, higher densities of CD8IE and FoxP3IS were positively correlated with longer recurrence-free intervals, suggesting a potential additive or synergistic effect when considering both cell types. These findings were reaffirmed in the QUASAR2 cohort validation, observing similar trends, thus confirming the robustness and practical utility of the immunotyping method in predicting the prognosis of colorectal cancer patients. The analysis strongly supports the use of combined CD8IE and FoxP3IS densities as a prognostic indicator superior to traditional single-marker methods, providing compelling evidence that integrated CD8IE and FoxP3IS densities offer significant advantages over traditional single-marker approaches for prognosis assessment. 3 Evaluation of the Research This study is particularly noteworthy for the use of multiple immunofluorescence immunoassays in the field of colorectal cancer. The innovative approach of quantifying immune cells using a machine learning-based tissue classifier contributes to enhancing the accuracy and reliability of prognostic assessments. However, potential selection bias in choosing specific clinical trial cohorts and tissue microarrays may limit the general applicability of the findings. Additionally, the analysis is confined to pre-specified immune markers, potentially overlooking other important immune components. These factors suggest a need for further research involving broader and more diverse patient groups, along with an expansion of immune markers to fully validate and generalize these findings across different clinical settings. 4 Concluding Remarks This study underscores the pivotal role of tumor immune environment analysis in predicting colorectal cancer prognosis, particularly emphasizing the importance of the integrated assessment of CD8IE and FoxP3IS. These findings support a more refined stratification of patient risk, revealing that the interaction between cytotoxic T cells and regulatory T cells within the tumor milieu significantly impacts prognosis. The combined marker of CD8IE and FoxP3IS not only enhances predictive accuracy but also holds promise for guiding personalized therapeutic interventions. If based on individual immune characteristics, this method could significantly improve precision and potentially have a profound impact on clinical decision-making. Future research should focus on validating these results, incorporating more case data to enhance the applicability and reliability of this prognostic tool in routine clinical practice. 5 Access Original Paper Frei, A. L., McGuigan, A., Sinha, R. R., Jabbar, F., Gneo, L., Tomasevic, T., ... & Koelzer, V. H. (2024). Multiplex analysis of intratumoural immune infiltrate and prognosis in patients with stage II–III colorectal cancer from the SCOT and QUASAR 2 trials: a retrospective analysis. The Lancet Oncology, 25(2), 198-211. Acknowledgement I sincerely thank David N. Church's team for sharing their colorectal cancer research results with the public, providing a valuable impetus for research and development in the field. I also extend my heartfelt gratitude to The Lancet Oncology publishers for their open access policy, which facilitates the widespread dissemination of scientific knowledge. Any discrepancies between this commentary and the original text should be referred to the original publication, to which I again express my respect.