
Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics 2024, Vol.12, No.1, 37-46 44 HER2-Positive Gastric Cancer", primarily focused on patients with elevated expression of the HER2 protein in gastric cancer. By employing targeted drugs against HER2, such as trastuzumab (Mitani and Kawakami, 2020), the study demonstrated a significant improvement in both the survival rate and disease-free survival period for these patients. This achievement breaks through the limitations of traditional chemotherapy, providing a more precise treatment option for gastric cancer. Case Study 4: Application of Proteomics in the Discovery of Early Gastric Cancer Biomarkers A study in Germany focused on utilizing proteomics technology to identify biomarkers for early-stage gastric cancer. In the research titled "Proteomic Approaches for Early Diagnosis of Gastric Cancer", scientists successfully identified a range of protein alterations associated with gastric cancer by analyzing blood samples from early-stage gastric cancer patients and a healthy population. Some of these proteins exhibited significant changes in the very early stages of cancer development, providing potential biomarkers for early diagnosis. This study not only showcased the potential of proteomics in identifying early cancer markers but also paved the way for future non-invasive screening methods. These case studies demonstrate the practical application and potential long-term impact of emerging technologies in the early diagnosis and screening of gastric cancer. From genomics to proteomics, and further to artificial intelligence and targeted drug therapies, these technologies have not only enhanced diagnostic precision and treatment effectiveness but have also provided rich avenues and possibilities for personalized healthcare and future research in gastric cancer. With the continuous development and refinement of these technologies, the future of early diagnosis and treatment for gastric cancer holds the promise of becoming more precise and efficient, significantly improving patient outcomes. 7 Challenges and Future Directions 7.1 Main challenges faced by current emerging technologies in early diagnosis of gastric cancer The key to early diagnosis of gastric cancer lies in detecting lesions as early as possible, and this is currently one of the most significant challenges. Despite significant advancements in molecular markers, genomics, proteomics, and imaging technologies in recent years, these emerging technologies still face several crucial challenges in practical clinical applications. Firstly, there is an issue with specificity and sensitivity. Currently, even the most advanced molecular markers struggle to achieve the high specificity and sensitivity required for clinical applications. For instance, certain markers may appear in other types of cancers or non-malignant diseases, leading to misdiagnosis or overdiagnosis (Xian et al., 2021). Additionally, the heterogeneity of gastric cancer makes it challenging for a single marker to cover all types of gastric cancer. Secondly, there are challenges related to the accessibility and cost of the technology. High-end genomic and proteomic analysis technologies are often expensive and involve complex equipment, particularly problematic in resource-limited regions. Advanced imaging technologies, such as PET/CT, provide more accurate diagnostic information, but their high costs and limited availability restrict their widespread use in screening. Furthermore, the complexity of data analysis and processing poses a significant challenge. With the application of big data and artificial intelligence technologies, effectively handling and interpreting large amounts of biomedical data become crucial. This requires not only advanced computing resources but also interdisciplinary expertise, including biology, statistics, and computer science. Lastly, clinical validation and standardization of emerging technologies are important challenges. Before these technologies can be widely applied in clinical settings, extensive clinical trials are needed to validate their effectiveness and safety. Moreover, establishing corresponding clinical operating procedures and standards is essential to ensure the consistency and accuracy of technology applications.