
Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics 2024, Vol.12, No.1, 37-46 43 5.3 Current achievements and challenges faced Despite facing challenges, AI and machine learning have achieved significant milestones in gastric cancer diagnosis. For instance, some AI models have demonstrated accuracy comparable to experienced radiologists in identifying gastric cancer. The application of these technologies not only improves diagnostic precision but also greatly accelerates the diagnostic process, providing patients with more timely treatment. However, for these technologies to be widely adopted in clinical practice, several challenges need to be addressed. Firstly, it is essential to ensure that the decision-making processes of AI systems are transparent and interpretable, which is crucial for healthcare professionals and patients. Additionally, the widespread implementation and acceptance of the technology pose significant challenges. Healthcare workers need adequate training to effectively utilize these new technologies. Lastly, legal and ethical issues, such as data privacy and security, must be appropriately addressed. In summary, artificial intelligence and machine learning have demonstrated immense potential in gastric cancer diagnosis. However, achieving their widespread application in clinical practice requires further technological innovation, clinical trials, and policy guidance. 6 Clinical Trials and Case Studies 6.1 Overview of recent important clinical trials and case studies In the exploration of emerging technologies for early diagnosis and screening of gastric cancer, several recent clinical trials and case studies have demonstrated significant achievements. These case studies showcase the practical application and potential long-term impact of emerging technologies in the early diagnosis and screening of gastric cancer. From genomics to proteomics, and from artificial intelligence to targeted drug therapies, these technologies not only enhance the accuracy of diagnosis and the effectiveness of treatment but also provide rich insights and possibilities for personalized medicine and future research in gastric cancer. With the continuous development and refinement of these technologies, the future of early diagnosis and treatment for gastric cancer is expected to become more precise and efficient, greatly improving patient outcomes. Case Study 1: Application of Genomic Technology in Screening High-Risk Populations for Gastric Cancer This clinical trial, named the "Genomic Screening Program for High-Risk Individuals with Gastric Cancer," was conducted in Japan and involved approximately 5 000 participants. The study focused on individuals with a family history of gastric cancer and patients with long-term Helicobacter pylori infection. The research team utilized advanced whole-genome sequencing technology to analyze the genetic variations in these individuals, comparing them with a healthy control group. They identified a series of genetic markers associated with the risk of developing gastric cancer, including some rare gene variations. These findings provide new genetic insights for early screening of gastric cancer and offer more personalized monitoring and prevention strategies for high-risk individuals. Case Study 2: Application of Artificial Intelligence in Gastric Endoscopy Diagnosis In a study conducted in South Korea, a research team developed a deep learning-based artificial intelligence system aimed at improving the diagnostic accuracy of gastric cancer during endoscopic examinations (Chang et al., 2023). This system, trained on analyzing over 100 000 gastric endoscopy images, can identify minute cancerous lesions that may be overlooked even by experienced endoscopists. In clinical trials, this AI system demonstrated an accuracy of over 90% in identifying early-stage gastric cancer, significantly outperforming traditional methods. This research not only validates the potential of artificial intelligence in enhancing diagnostic efficiency and accuracy but also provides a new tool for future gastric cancer screening and early diagnosis. 6.2 Actual effects and potential impacts of new technologies Case Study 3: Application of Targeted Drug Therapy in Personalized Treatment for Gastric Cancer In a clinical trial conducted in the United States, researchers explored targeted therapy for early-stage gastric cancer patients with specific genetic mutations. The trial, named "Targeted Treatment Strategies for