
Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics 2024, Vol.12, No.1, 27-36 35 6 Summary and Outlook The field of cancer treatment faces a series of challenges and opportunities. In the coming years, there might be distinctive developments in the treatment and prevention of female cancers. In the future, with the continuous development and widespread adoption of genetic sequencing technology, personalized treatment is set to become the mainstream trend in treating female cancers, improving treatment efficacy and survival rates. Personalized treatment involves providing targeted treatment plans based on a patient's genome, epigenome, transcriptome, among other information. In recent years, immune therapy drugs for female cancers like breast and ovarian cancer have emerged, promising to become crucial means of treatment. Immunotherapy involves using activated or modulated immune systems to attack cancer cells (Chen et al., 2021). Early diagnosis is a crucial method for cancer prevention. With the continual development of biomarkers, imaging technologies, etc., early diagnosis of female cancers will become more accurate and precise. Female cancers involve multiple disciplinary fields, and the future will emphasize multidisciplinary collaboration, including comprehensive treatments like radiotherapy, chemotherapy, surgery, rehabilitation, etc., to improve treatment efficacy and survival rates. Future treatments and prevention of female cancers will trend toward individualization, precision, and comprehensiveness, offering better treatment and survival opportunities for female cancer patients. Understanding the definition, symptoms, and treatment methods of female cancers, enhancing prevention and early screening, contribute to improved prognosis and survival rates for female cancers. Women should prioritize their health, undergo regular gynecological examinations and cancer screenings, while maintaining healthy lifestyles to reduce the risk of female cancers. Optimizing the treatment of female cancers is significant for women's health and societal development. It not only safeguards women's health and enhances quality of life but also provides opportunities for prevention and intervention, advances medical research and innovation, raises public awareness and education, and offers support and assistance. Through sustained efforts and global cooperation, further improvements in women's health, reduced incidence, and mortality rates of female cancers can create a better future for women. Acknowledgments Thanks to Ms. Jie Zhang for providing the data and relevant materials, enabling me to conduct in-depth research and analysis. References Bray F., Ferlay J., Soerjomataram I., Siegel R.L., Torre L.A., and Jemal A., 2018, Global cancer statistics 2018: GLOBOCAN estimates of incidence and patients on oncofertility care (507), 166(1): S249-S250. depression, and post-traumatic growth in young women with cancer, Hushi Jinxiu Zazhi (Journal of Nurses Training), 36(3): 197-202. Gao B.P., and Li R., 2007, Psychoanalysis and nursing care of cancer in young women, Yixue Xingxi (Medical Information), 20(1): 145-146. mortality worldwide for 36 cancers in 185 countries, CA Cancer J. Clin., 68(6): 394-424. PMid:30207593 Chen M.G., Li Y., Ma C.H., Deng L.H., Sun F.L., and Chen P., 2021, Impact of Internet plus-based MBSR combined with aerobic exercise on anxiety, Goswami A., Jernigan A., Huber W., Sun B., Harding S., Lily Chen L., Allen C., Boudoin E., and Liao K., 2022, Views of reproductive-aged female cancer Greimel E., Thiel I., Peintinger F., Cegnar I., and Pongratz E., 2002, Prospective assessment of quality of life of female cancer patients, Comparative Study, 85(1): 1401-147. PMid:11925134 Ho R.T.H., Chan C.L.W., and Ho S.M.Y., 2004, Emotional control in Chinese female cancer survivors, Psychooncology, 13(11): 808-817. and Practice, 223: 153452. PMid:15386636 Jiang H.Z., 2009, Early signs of cancer in women, Jinri Keyuan (Modern Science), (13): 91. Nejati K., Alivand M., and Arabzadeh A., 2021, MicroRNA-22 in female malignancies: focusing on breast, cervical, and ovarian cancers, Pathology-Research PMid:33993061