
Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics 2024, Vol.12, No.1, 27-36 34 cancer patients can access professional psychological support and assistance through counseling and support groups. These support systems can help them understand and cope with their emotions, reduce anxiety and depression, and improve mental health. Positive social support also has a significant impact on the quality of life for female cancer patients. Support from family, friends, and the community can help them overcome challenges, providing emotional support and encouragement. Additionally, employers and organizations can offer flexible work arrangements and support measures to help female patients balance work and treatment needs, reducing negative impacts on their work and careers. Focusing on the body image and health of female cancer patients is also an essential aspect of improving their quality of life. Providing appropriate services such as wigs, breast prostheses, and image counseling can help female patients regain confidence and body image. Moreover, offering suitable nutritional and rehabilitation guidance helps female patients better manage physical changes and side effects during treatment, enhancing their quality of life (Greime et al., 2002; Nwakasi et al., 2023). 5 Significance and Contribution of the Classification and Development of Female Cancers The classification and development of female cancers play a vital role in the prevention and treatment of cancers related to women. By categorizing and researching female cancers, a better understanding of the etiology, pathogenesis, and prognosis of different cancer types can be achieved, providing a scientific basis for medical decisions and treatment plans. Categorizing female cancers contributes to enhancing the accuracy and sensitivity of early diagnosis. Different types of cancers exhibit distinct clinical manifestations and biological characteristics. By classifying and studying different types of cancer, specific markers or mutations of specific types of cancer can be discovered, thereby improving the accuracy of early diagnosis. For instance, breast cancer classification based on histological type, hormone receptor status, and HER2 expression helps determine appropriate treatment strategies and predict outcomes. The classification and development of female cancers are crucial for personalized treatments. Different cancer types respond differently to treatments and exhibit varying drug resistance. Through classification and research, understanding the molecular characteristics and driving mechanisms of various cancers provides a basis for personalized treatments. For example, endometrial cancer classification based on DNA mismatch repair deficiency determines whether patients are suitable for immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy. The classification and development of cancer in women is of great significance for etiology research and prevention. Through the classification and research of cancer, the pathogenesis and risk factors of different types of cancer, to provide scientific basis for the prevention and control of diseases. For instance, cervical cancer classification based on the status of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection assists in devising individualized prevention strategies like HPV vaccination and regular screenings. The classification and development of female cancers also offer opportunities for researching and developing new treatment methods and approaches. Studying cancer classification and research can unveil molecular mechanisms and signaling pathways of different cancer types, guiding the development of new drugs and innovative treatment methods. For instance, through the classification and research of ovarian cancer, researchers discovered the significant efficacy of PARP inhibitors for BRCA mutation patients, offering a new direction for personalized treatment of ovarian cancer patients. The classification and development of cancers in women have important significance and contributions to the prevention and treatment of female-related cancers. Through the classification and research of female cancer, it can improve the accuracy of early diagnosis, realize individualized treatment, in-depth study of etiology and prevention, and promote the development of new treatment methods and means. These studies and advances will bring new hope and opportunities for the treatment and rehabilitation of female cancer patients.