
Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics 2024, Vol.12, No.1, 27-36 33 Women should also maintain a good lifestyle, avoid bad habits such as smoking and drinking, maintain moderate exercise and good sleep quality, enhance the body's immunity, and reduce the risk of cancer. 3.3 Cancer screening and early diagnosis For breast cancer, women should undergo annual breast examinations and mammograms, especially those at high risk, such as those with a family history of breast cancer. For cervical cancer, women should have annual gynecological examinations and Pap smear tests to promptly detect and treat abnormalities. For ovarian cancer, annual gynecological examinations and transvaginal ultrasound examinations are recommended for timely detection and treatment of abnormalities. Additionally, women can undergo cancer screening and early diagnosis through genetic testing, enabling the timely identification of disease risks and the implementation of appropriate preventive and therapeutic measures. Preventing and screening for female cancers are crucial components of women's health protection, reducing the risk of cancer and improving survival rates. Women should be attentive to the influences of environmental factors, diet, and lifestyle, avoiding exposure to harmful substances, maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle, strengthening the immune system, and reducing the risk of cancer occurrence. Regular cancer screening and early diagnosis are also recommended to promptly detect and treat abnormalities, improving survival rates and quality of life (Zheng et al., 2013; Goswami et al., 2022). 4 Psychological and Social Impacts of Female Cancers 4.1 Psychological impact of cancer on women's mental health With the increasing number of female cancer patients, it is crucial to focus on the psychological impact of cancer on women's mental health. Firstly, a cancer diagnosis is a significant blow to women, often accompanied by emotions of fear, anxiety, and despair. They may feel scared and helpless, worrying about their lives and the future of their families. This psychological pressure inevitably has negative effects on their mental health (Ho et al., 2004). The physical changes during the treatment process also affect women's mental health. For example, breast cancer patients undergoing mastectomy may face challenges to their self-esteem and body image due to breast loss. Furthermore, treatment methods such as radiation and chemotherapy may cause side effects like hair loss, nausea, and fatigue, impacting women's mental health. Female cancer patients often experience psychological stress, anxiety, depression, and other issues, which may have negative effects on their physical health. Simultaneously, the physical pain, nausea, vomiting, and other side effects during cancer treatment also affect women's mental health. Female cancer patients need psychological support and attention, which can be achieved through counseling and support groups to alleviate anxiety and depression, maintaining a positive mindset and improving survival rates (Gao and Li., 2007; Tan et al., 2023). 4.2 Impact of cancer on women's social roles Female cancer patients face challenges in terms of their social roles and identities. During the treatment process, women may need extended periods of rest or have to stop working, affecting their social roles and life quality. It also has repercussions on their families and society. Many female patients experience prolonged breaks or reduced working hours, which might cause them to miss opportunities for promotion or career development, negatively affecting their economic status and self-worth. Cancer also affects women's family roles. Women often play crucial roles in the family, such as wives, mothers, and caregivers. However, the occurrence of cancer may prevent them from fulfilling these roles full-time, requiring dependence on others for assistance and support. This dependency and role transition may bring about guilt and helplessness, negatively impacting their mental health (Zhao et al., 2002; Zhang, 2013). 4.3 Measures to improve the quality of life for female cancer patients To enhance the quality of life for female cancer patients, various measures can be taken to help them cope with psychological and social impacts. Firstly, establishing a robust psychological support system is crucial. Female