
Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics 2024, Vol.12, No.1, 27-36 32 2.3 Mechanisms of cancer metastasis and recurrence Cancer metastasis refers to the spread of cancer cells from the primary site to other areas, forming distant metastatic lesions. Cancer metastasis is a significant concern in cancer treatment and is among the primary factors affecting patient prognosis. Mechanisms of cancer metastasis mainly include hematogenous metastasis, lymphatic metastasis, and direct extension. Hemogenous metastasis means when cancer cells enter other sites through blood circulation and form distant metastatic lesions. Lymphatic metastasis involves cancer cells entering lymph nodes through lymphatic vessels and then reaching other areas, forming distant metastatic lesions. Direct extension involves cancer cells directly invading surrounding tissues and organs, leading to distant metastatic lesions (Figure 3). Figure 3 The metastasis of cancer cells Cancer recurrence refers to the reappearance of the original cancerous lesion or the emergence of new cancerous lesions after treatment. The mechanisms behind cancer recurrence mainly involve residual cancer cells, treatment resistance, and the tumor microenvironment. Residual cancer cells are those cancer cells that persist within a patient's body after treatment and may regrow and spread at a later stage. Treatment resistance refers to the cancer cells' ability to resist therapeutic drugs or radiation, potentially leading to treatment failure and recurrence. The tumor microenvironment includes the surroundings of cancer cells, comprising the extracellular matrix, blood vessels, immune cells, etc., which can significantly impact the growth and spread of cancer cells. 3 Prevention and Screening for Female Cancers 3.1 Environmental factors and prevention Environmental factors play a crucial role in the occurrence of female cancers, including air pollution, chemicals, and radiation. Therefore, women should strive to avoid exposure to these harmful substances, refrain from prolonged exposure to toxic environments such as chemical laboratories, and focus on maintaining clean and well-ventilated indoor air. Additionally, women should be cautious about using cosmetics and cleaning products containing toxic substances, opting for healthier and environmentally friendly products to protect their health. Environmental factors are the source of cancer occurrence, through the understanding and identification of carcinogens in the environment, understanding the role of carcinogens in cancer occurrence mechanism is of key significance for cancer prevention and treatment. 3.2 Diet and lifestyle for prevention Diet and lifestyle are also essential aspects of preventing female cancers. Women should maintain healthy eating habits by reducing the intake of high-fat, high-calorie, and high-sugar foods, and increasing the consumption of fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, as well as moderate amounts of fish and legumes for quality protein.