
Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics 2024, Vol.12, No.1, 15-26 26 With further understanding of endometrial cancer's immune characteristics and the development of technology, there's potential to optimize immunotherapy plans and apply them to a broader patient population. The development of personalized immunotherapy will offer unique treatment plans for each patient, improving treatment success rates and survival period. Immunotherapy also holds the promise of integrating with other treatment methods, forming a multidisciplinary comprehensive treatment strategy. The combined use of immunotherapy with chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or targeted therapy can leverage the advantages of various treatment methods, enhancing treatment effectiveness. The application of this comprehensive treatment strategy will yield better treatment outcomes and offer patients more treatment choices. The future holds expectations for further breakthroughs in immunotherapy for the treatment of endometrial cancer. With ongoing scientific and technological advancements and deeper research into endometrial cancer's immune characteristics and mechanisms, more effective and personalized immunotherapy plans can be developed. Through continuous efforts and innovation, immunotherapy will become an integral part of endometrial cancer treatment, improving patient survival and quality of life. Acknowledgments Thanks to Ms. Lingfei Jin for her help in the writing process, the literature she provided has played an important role in choosing the content of my articles. References Bolivar A.M., Luthra R., Mehrotra M., Chen W., Barkoh B.A., Hu P., Zhang W., and Broaddus R.R., 2018, Targeted next-generation sequencing of endometrial cancer and matched circulating tumor DNA: identification of plasma-based, tumor-associated mutations in early stage patients, Modern Pathology, 32: 405-414. PMid:30315273 PMCid:PMC6395490 Cao W.Y., Ma X.Y., Fischer J.V., Sun C.G., Kong B.H., and Zhang Q., 2021, Immunotherapy in endometrial cancer: rationale, Practice and Perspectives, 9: 49. PMid:34134781 PMCid:PMC8207707 Connor E.V., and Rose P.G., 2018, Management strategies for recurrent endometrial cancer, Expert. Rev. Anticancer. Ther., 18(9): 873-885. PMid:29972650 Crosbie E.J., Kitson S.J., McAlpine J.N., Mukhopadhyay A., Powell M.E., and Singh N., 2022, Endometrial cancer, Lancet, 399(10333): 1412-1428. PMid:35397864 Gao F.F., Li X.R., Yu H., Chen L., Li D.P., Liu N.F., and Zhang S.Q., 2023, Current status and progress of endocrine therapy for endometrial cancer, Chinese Journal of Cancer Prevention and Treatment, 30(11): 693-698. Huvila J., Jennifer Pors J., Thompson E.F., and Gilks C.B., 2021, Endometrial carcinoma: molecular subtypes, precursors and the role of pathology in early diagnosis, J. Pathol., 253(4): 355-365. PMid:33368243 Loukovaara M., Pasanen A., and Ralf Bützow R., 2022, Molecular classification of endometrial carcinoma: a clinically oriented review, Journal of Clinical Pathology, 75: 731-738. PMid:35636924 MacKintosh M.L., and Crosbie E.J., 2018, Prevention strategies in endometrial carcinoma, Current Oncology Reports, 20(12): 101. PMid:30426278 PMCid:PMC6244901 Wang W.J., and Fu H.L., 2023, Analysis of the disease burden of endometrial cancer in China from 1990-2019, Modern Preventive Medicine, 50(12): 2143-2148. Yang X., Cheng Y., Li X.C., Zhou J.Y., Dong Y.Y., Shen B.Q., Zhao L.J., and Wang J.L., 2023, A novel transcription factor-based prognostic signature in endometrial cancer: establishment and validation, OncoTargets and Therapy, 14: 2579-2598. PMid:33880037 PMCid:PMC8053499 Zhang L.Q., and Mao S.F., 2023, Progress in the relationship between adipokines and endometrial cancer, Hebei Medicine, 29(5): 877-880. Zhao X.Q., Zhang X.G., Ma J.T., Zhang S.Z., Mao X.F., and Fu J.X., 2023, Progress in the molecular subtyping of endometrial cancer, China Modern Doctor, 61(19): 130-132, 136.