
Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics 2024, Vol.12, No.1, 15-26 25 their response and tolerance to treatment, enabling the adjustment of treatment plans to reduce unnecessary side effects. Personalized immunotherapy can increase treatment success rates by targeting specific immune and tumor features, enhancing treatment specificity and effectiveness. It can select suitable immunotherapy methods for patients, such as immune checkpoint inhibitors or CAR-T cell therapy, thereby improving treatment success rates. Personalized immunotherapy faces challenges: it requires extensive genomic and immunological data support. The design of personalized immunotherapy requires a comprehensive analysis of the patient's genome, epigenome, and immunohistochemical characteristics. However, currently the cost of obtaining this data is high and requires complex laboratory equipment and technology. Therefore, how to acquire and analyze these data on a large scale in clinical practice remains one of the challenges for personalized immunotherapy. The design and implementation of personalized immunotherapy require multidisciplinary collaboration. Personalized immunotherapy necessitates collaboration among immunologists, oncologists, genomic scientists, and other disciplines to ensure treatment accuracy and effectiveness. However, currently, cooperation and communication between different disciplines still face certain difficulties. Thus, establishing mechanisms and platforms for multidisciplinary collaboration to promote communication and cooperation among various fields is an important task for the development of personalized immunotherapy. Personalized immunotherapy faces challenges in manufacturing and production. For example, CAR-T cell therapy involves collecting T cells from a patient's body, genetically modifying them, and reintroducing them into the patient's body. This process includes cell preparation, quality control, and clinical application, requiring highly specialized technical support. Therefore, establishing an efficient and reliable CAR-T cell preparation and production system remains one of the challenges for personalized immunotherapy. Personalized immunotherapy also needs to address ethical and legal issues. It involves sensitive issues such as a patient's personal privacy and genetic information, thus requiring the establishment of relevant ethical guidelines and regulations to govern treatment implementation and data usage. At the same time, the high cost of individualized immunotherapy is also a concern, and ensuring the accessibility and fairness of individualized immunotherapy is one of the urgent problems to be solved in the development of individualized immunotherapy (Wang and Fu, 2023). 5 Current Status and Progress In the immunotherapy of endometrial cancer, early clinical trials have shown certain efficacy. For instance, the use of PD-1 antibody drugs in advanced endometrial cancer patients resulted in tumor shrinkage and prolonged survival. Furthermore, research indicates that combining immune checkpoint inhibitors with chemotherapy can enhance treatment effectiveness. Apart from immune checkpoint inhibitors, CAR-T cell therapy is also considered a promising approach for immunotherapy in endometrial cancer. CAR-T cell therapy is a personalized treatment method that enhances the immune system's ability to attack tumor cells by collecting a patient's T cells, genetically modifying them, and reinfusing them into the patient's body. Currently, CAR-T cell therapy has shown promising results in other tumors such as leukemia and lymphoma (Gao et al., 2023). Immunotherapy holds important significance and vast prospects in the treatment of endometrial cancer. Traditional treatment methods like surgery and chemotherapy can control the disease to some extent, but their efficacy remains limited for advanced or recurrent patients. Immunotherapy, as a new treatment strategy, activates a patient's own immune system to attack tumor cells, offering more precise and effective treatment. Immunotherapy can overcome the limitations of traditional treatments. The development of endometrial cancer is closely related to immune evasion mechanisms, where tumor cells evade immune surveillance by suppressing immune cell activity. Immunotherapy restores immune cell recognition and attack capabilities against tumor cells by activating the immune system, compensating for the shortcomings of traditional treatments. Immunotherapy not only directly destroys tumor cells but also triggers immune memory effects, establishing lasting immune defense against tumor cells.