
Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics 2024, Vol.12, No.1, 15-26 19 Figure 2 Morphology of the cancer cells under the microscope Whole-cell vaccines can include entire tumor cells, parts of tumor cells, or genetically modified tumor cells. These vaccines can activate the immune system to generate an immune response against tumor cells. Clinical trials have shown that whole cell vaccines have certain therapeutic effects in various types of tumors. Despite the potential shown by antigen-specific vaccines in cancer treatment, challenges persist. Identifying and selecting appropriate tumor antigens remains critical. Variations in antigen expression levels among different tumor types and patients require further research to determine optimal vaccine targets. Antigen-specific vaccines may exhibit lower immune responses in some patients. Researchers need to further understand immune escape mechanisms and develop new strategies to enhance vaccine effectiveness. Large scale production and cost issues also need to be addressed in order to widely apply antigen specific vaccines in clinical practice. 2.3.2 Potential of DNA and RNA vaccines DNA vaccines involve injecting DNA containing specific antigen-coding sequences into patients. Once taken up by cells, the DNA is transcribed and translated into antigen proteins, activating the immune system. DNA vaccines' advantages lie in their ability to trigger T cell and B cell immune responses with relatively lower side effects. Numerous clinical trials have shown the potential efficacy of DNA vaccines in various cancers, including prostate cancer, breast cancer, and lung cancer. In contrast, RNA vaccines involve injecting RNA containing specific antigen-coding sequences into patients. RNA vaccines can directly translate into antigen proteins, activating the immune system. RNA vaccine's advantages include their efficiency, flexibility, and rapid preparation and modification. In recent years, RNA vaccines have gained significant attention, especially with the tremendous success in developing COVID-19 vaccines. In cancer treatment, RNA vaccines have shown potential in clinical trials for cancers like melanoma and breast cancer. DNA vaccines and RNA vaccines are a new type of cancer vaccine with the potential to become innovative methods for cancer treatment. Their principle involves injecting DNA or RNA sequences containing specific antigens into patients to activate the immune system via transfection mechanisms. Tumor vaccines present a potential immunotherapeutic approach to combat tumor cells by activating the immune system. Antigen-specific vaccines, DNA vaccines, and RNA vaccines have shown potential, yet further research and optimization are needed to enhance their efficacy and scope of application. The development of these tumor vaccines presents new opportunities for cancer treatment, offering more effective and personalized therapeutic options for patients. Despite the potential demonstrated by DNA and RNA vaccines in cancer treatment, further research is needed to address challenges. Further understanding and optimization of vaccine delivery and expression efficiency to enhance the intensity and persistence of immune responses are crucial. Additionally, research and optimization of immune adjuvants are necessary to enhance vaccine immunogenicity. Researchers also need to tackle large-scale production and cost issues to ensure widespread clinical application of these vaccines.