
Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics 2024, Vol.12, No.1, 8-14 14 need to intensify screening and management for high-risk populations, promptly identifying and treating early-stage lesions to reduce the incidence and mortality rates of cervical cancer. Strengthening both basic research and clinical practices stands as a critical task in elevating the treatment effectiveness and prevention standards of cervical cancer, both in the present and the future. We need to constantly explore and innovate, work together, and make greater contributions to the treatment and prevention of cervical cancer. Acknowledgments Thanks to Ms. Keyan Fang for providing the data and relevant materials, enabling me to conduct in-depth research and analysis. References Arbyn M., Weiderpass E., Bruni L., de Sanjose S., Saraiya M., Ferlay J., and Bray F., 2020, Estimates of incidence and mortality of cervical cancer in 2018: a worldwide analysis, Lancet Glob Health., 8(2): e191-e203. PMid:31812369 Bosch F.X., Lorincz A., Muñoz N., Meijer C.J., and Shah K.V., 2002, The causal relation between human papillomavirus and cervical cancer, J. Clin. Pathol., 55(4): 244-265. PMid:11919208 PMCid:PMC1769629 Chuang L.T., Temin S., Camacho R., Dueñas-Gonzalez A., Feldman S., Gultekin M., Gupta V., Horton S., Jacob G., Kidd E.A., Lishimpi K., Nakisige C., Nam J.H., Ngan H.Y.S.N., Small W., and Berek J.S., 2016, Management and care of women with invasive cervical cancer: american society of clinical oncology resource-stratified clinical practice guideline, J. Global. Oncol., 2(5): 311-340. PMid:28717717 PMCid:PMC5493265 Cuzick J., Arbyn M., Sankaranarayanan R., Tsu V., Ronco G., Mayrand M.H., Dillner J., and Meijer C.J.L.M., 2008, Overview of human papillomavirus-based and other novel options for cervical cancer screening in developed and developing countries, Vaccine, 26(10): K29-K41. PMid:18847555 Gao F.F., and Zhang S.Q., 2023, Prevention and standardized diagnosis and treatment of cervical cancer, Zhongguo Linchuang Yishang Zazhi (Chinese Journal for Clinicians), 51(3): 258-263. Huh W.K., Ault K.A., Chelmow D., Davey D.D., Goulart R.A., Garcia F.A.R., Kinney W.K., Massad L.S., Mayeaux E.J., Saslow D., Schiffman M., Wentzensen 1743-1746. Li M.Y., Wang D.D., Zhang N.N., and Yang Q., 2023, Progress in cervical cancer screening methods, Zhongguo Shiyong Fuke yu Chanke Zazhi (Chines N., Lawson H.W., and Einstein M.K., 2015, Use of primary high-risk human papillomavirus testing for cervical cancer screening: interim clinical guidance, Gynecol. Oncol., 136(2): 178-182. PMid:25579107 Li J., and Kong W.M., 2023, Progress in the treatment of recurrent cervical cancer, Zhongguo Fuyong Baojian (Maternal and Child Health Care of China), 38(9): e Journal of Practical Gynecology and Obstetrics), 39(4): 474-477. Pfaendler K.S., and Tewari K.S., 2016, Changing paradigms in the systemic treatment of advanced cervical cancer, Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol., 214(1): 22-30. Schiffman M., Castle P.E., Jeronimo J., Rodriguez A.C., and Wacholder S., 2007, Human papillomavirus and cervical cancer, Lancet, 370(9590): 890-907. PMid:17826171 Trimble C.L., Morrow M.P., Kraynyak K.A., Shen X.F., Dallas M., Yan J., Edwards L., Parker R.L., Denny L., Giffear M., Brown A.S., Marcozzi-Pierce K., Shah D., Slager A.M., Sylvester A.J., Khan A., Broderick K.E., Juba R.J., Herring T.A., Boyer J., Lee J., Sardesai N.Y., Weiner D.B., and Bagarazzi M.L., 2015, Safety, efficacy, and immunogenicity of VGX-3100, a therapeutic synthetic DNA vaccine targeting human papillomavirus 16 and 18 E6 and E7 proteins for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 2/3: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 2b trial, Lancet, 386(10008): 2078-2088. PMid:26386540 Wright Jr T.C., Cox J.T., Massad L.S., Twiggs L.B., Wilkinson E.J., and ASCCP-Sponsored Consensus Conference, 2002, 2001 Consensus guidelines for the management of women with cervical cytological abnormalities, JAMA, 287(16): 2120-2129. PMid:11966387 Zhou H., Liu Y.Y., Luo M., and Lin Z.Q., 2023, The 2023 NCCN clinical practice guidelines for cervical cancer (Version 1), Zhongguo Shiyong Fuke yu Chanke Zazhi (Chinese Journal of Practical Gynecology and Obstetrics), 39(2): 189-196.