
Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics 2024, Vol.12, No.1, 8-14 13 3.3 Strengthening social awareness and health education to enhance preventive measures Boosting awareness and understanding of cervical cancer within the public sphere is crucial. It's necessary to enhance education on cervical cancer prevention, screening, and raise awareness among women regarding health preservation. Additionally, emphasizing information about cervical cancer treatments and rehabilitation is vital to help patients understand the disease better, thereby improving treatment outcomes and survival rates. Moreover, bolstering healthcare professionals' training and knowledge on cervical cancer will enable them to offer comprehensive and superior medical services to patients. Cervical cancer prevention and treatment require a concerted effort from society as a whole. Future research directions and prospects need to address multiple facets. Strengthening fundamental research in cervical cancer etiology to explore new treatment and prevention strategies can offer more choices and possibilities for its prevention and control. Enhancing screening and diagnostic technologies for cervical cancer can improve accuracy and reliability, thereby providing better treatment and recovery for patients. Strengthening social awareness and health education to elevate people's health consciousness and preventive measures is a critical step for preventing and controlling cervical cancer, constituting a long-term task in its prevention and treatment. We believe that with efforts from across society, future advancements and achievements can contribute significantly to preventing and treating cervical cancer. 4 Summary and Outlook Etiological and epidemiological studies have highlighted the close relationship between HPV (Human Papillomavirus) infection and the occurrence and development of cervical cancer. HPV infection stands as one of the primary causes of cervical cancer, especially high-risk HPV types like HPV16 and HPV18. Consequently, preventing HPV infection is among the essential measures to prevent cervical cancer. HPV vaccines, an effective method to prevent HPV infection, are already widely used clinically. Simultaneously, HPV screening serves as an important preventive measure, enabling the early detection and treatment of HPV infection and early cervical cancer lesions (Li et al., 2023). Etiological and epidemiological research has revealed the relationship between cervical cancer and various other factors. Studies indicate a close association between factors such as smoking, high-fat diet, vitamin deficiency, long-term oral contraceptive use, low parity, and having multiple sexual partners with the occurrence and development of cervical cancer. Therefore, lifestyle improvements, reduced environmental pollution, and avoidance of genetic factors are also crucial measures for preventing cervical cancer. Through pathological and molecular biology studies of cervical cancer, a better understanding of the disease's mechanisms and molecular characteristics can lead to more precise and personalized treatment plans. Moreover, epidemiological research has highlighted differences in treatment response and prognosis among different populations, guiding the formulation of more scientific and rational treatment approaches. In the future, there is a need to further strengthen basic research and clinical practice to explore new treatment and prevention strategies, offering more hope and opportunities for preventing and treating cervical cancer. Enhancing both basic research and clinical practice is imperative to improve the efficacy of cervical cancer treatment and prevention (Wright et al., 2002; Li and Kong, 2023). Basic research serves as the foundation for enhancing the treatment effectiveness and prevention levels of cervical cancer. It's crucial to delve further into the mechanisms of HPV infection, encompassing the virus's impact on host cells and the immune response of the host to viral infection. Simultaneously, exploring the relationship between other factors and the occurrence of cervical cancer is essential for formulating corresponding treatment and prevention strategies. Factors such as genetics, environment, and others play pivotal roles in influencing the occurrence and development of cervical cancer. Therefore, further research into these factors' correlation with cervical cancer is necessary to devise suitable treatment and prevention strategies. Public health education and awareness campaigns are integral in elevating cervical cancer prevention standards. It's essential to disseminate preventive knowledge about cervical cancer through various channels, including measures to prevent HPV infection, lifestyle adjustments, and the significance of regular check-ups, among others. Additionally, there's a