
Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics 2024, Vol.12, No.1, 8-14 11 cervical cancer is around 15 to 20 cases per 100 000 individuals, with a mortality rate of 8 to 10 cases per 100 000 individuals. In high-income countries, the incidence and mortality rates of cervical cancer are relatively lower. Disparities exist in these rates among different regions and demographics. Higher rates in low to middle-income countries correlate with factors like healthcare services, preventive measures, and screening access. Strengthening global awareness, promoting preventive measures like screenings and vaccinations among women, can effectively reduce cervical cancer incidence and mortality. Moreover, enhancing healthcare services and coverage on a global scale is essential to offer comprehensive and superior health services to women. Additionally, further research into cervical cancer's etiology and treatment methods is necessary to provide more effective means for prevention and treatment (Bosch et al., 2022). Some studies indicate that socioeconomic factors significantly influence cervical cancer incidence and mortality. Incidence and mortality rates are higher in low and middle-income countries compared to high-income countries, possibly due to inadequate healthcare services, preventive measures, and screening in these countries. Additionally, educational attainment is linked to cervical cancer incidence and mortality. Research suggests that women with higher education levels have a lower risk of cervical cancer. This could be attributed to the higher likelihood of health education acceptance and screenings among educated women, aiding in the early detection and treatment of cervical cancer. Healthcare services are also among the significant factors impacting cervical cancer incidence and mortality. Studies suggest that improving the coverage and quality of screening and treatment effectively reduces cervical cancer incidence and mortality. Moreover, vaccination stands as an effective method for preventing cervical cancer, yet its accessibility remains lower in low and middle-income countries. Although cervical cancer has high global incidence and mortality rates, advancements in medical technology and preventive measures are gradually improving this situation. For example, enhancements in screening and treatment technologies effectively prevent and treat cervical cancer, and vaccination remains an effective preventive measure. In addition, global promotion and popularization, raising women's health awareness, can also help reduce the incidence and mortality of cervical cancer. Variations in cervical cancer occurrence exist across regions and demographics, associated with factors like age, ethnicity, and reproductive history. Factors influencing cervical cancer incidence and mortality include socioeconomic status, education, and healthcare services. Future efforts should focus on global awareness campaigns, enhancing women's health consciousness, promoting preventive measures like screenings and vaccinations to reduce cervical cancer occurrence and mortality. Simultaneously, bolstering global healthcare services and coverage to provide comprehensive and superior health services to women is essential (Arbyn et al., 2020). 3 Future Research Directions 3.1 Strengthening fundamental research for innovative therapeutic and preventive strategies Cervical cancer's prevention and treatment remain a global challenge. While China has acquired certain treatment and prevention strategies, substantial work lies ahead. Thus, intensifying fundamental research on cervical cancer etiology to explore novel treatment and prevention strategies becomes imperative. In-depth exploration of the relationship between HPV infection and cervical cancer occurrence is crucial for China. This entails uncovering fresh treatment and prevention approaches. While HPV vaccines serve as a vital preventive measure, not all individuals can access them. Hence, China needs further research into HPV infection treatments, exploring novel vaccines and therapies. Additionally, elucidating the HPV virus's mechanisms of action, specifically its impact on cell proliferation and apoptosis, is necessary to identify new treatment and prevention strategies. Augmenting research on other factors and their correlation with cervical cancer, such as lifestyle, environmental influences, and genetics, is pivotal. Studying the impact of these factors on cervical cancer will facilitate the exploration of relevant treatment and prevention strategies. For instance, research could examine the preventive role of dietary improvements and lifestyle changes in cervical cancer or delve into the impact of environmental pollution, enabling the formulation of appropriate prevention and treatment strategies.